I am looking to relocate to Archerfield Brisbane
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I am looking to relocate to Archerfield Brisbane

I am looking to relocate here frm nz.. I am a solo mother of 3 and so I need some help to make sure I get the best possible for myself and my girls.. is archerfield a good place to raise a young family? Also I need help getting a 3 bedroom rental furnished preferably for myself and my 3 girls and a Catholic school as they are currently attending one here and I wud lyk that education to continue.. if anybody reading this is able to giv me any answers to my questions I wud realy appreciate it.. thanks, Sophie.
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1 Answer

Hi Sophie,

Archerfield is quite industrial and I think you might struggle to find something suitable for your family. I would recommend moving slightly further out of that suburb to either Durack, Coopers Plains or Acacia Ridge. You'll find these are more family-friendly and closer in proximity to schools.

Any further queries, don't hesitate to contact me!

Chloe Jesson
Sales and Marketing Consultant
0450 178 560
[email protected]

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