Bancoura Parkway
4.5(1 review)

Bancoura Parkway, Secret Harbour, WA 6173

4.5(1 review)

Great for

  • Childcare
  • Gym and fitness
  • Internet access
  • Neighbourly spirit
  • Parks and recreation

Not great for

    No ratings yet

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families With Kids
  • Retirees

Reviews of Bancoura Parkway, Secret Harbour

"Our favourite place to live"

We live in the area known as the Break. We moved to the area about 3 years ago, and have found it to be excellent. The neighbours are all really friendly, and the public transport has improved the access to Perth since the train went through. Secret Harbour is extremely well maintained, the verges and parks are always having work done on them, which in neighbouring suburbs barely happens. The small amount of extra rates ensures the areas are always maintained. The best thing about the area is the facilities, with all the sports clubs, parks, and cycle paths, there is really no excuse not to be active and because they are so well utilised by the residents there is always plenty of people around so you feel safe walking or cycling around the many paths. The beach is a surf beach, with calmer beaches nearby you really couldn't ask for more. We have found the Secret Harbour Primary school to be excellent and have actually removed our child from the private school he attended nearby as I couldn't see the point in paying for schooling when such an excellent public school is available within walking distance.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

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