What is the first thing you look at when going through an open home?
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What is the first thing you look at when going through an open home?

When looking to buy a home what is the first thing that you look for in a property.
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1 Answer

The front gate and any cladding, the roofline, period of house and the and architecture, my immediate 'sense' of the soul of the lives which have been in and around the house.

Then surroundings, neighbours, gaps under skirting boards (without s-b's my interest would be minimal unless property worthy of installing them) door alignments and evidence of plane-ing dors or architraves, level floors, damp, condition of yards, whether ever maintained at all..., faecal material in yard, 'spots' of 'cleaned' on carpets or anywhere else, smoker, drinker or dog/cat owner, (any of those would see me out the door immediately) reasonably maintained kitchen, clean bathroom, working taps.

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