Keep dogs OFF the beach please!
Keep your dogs on a leash people!!
Hate having to watch where I step when going to the beach!
I think it's fair having dedicated areas for dogs to be off leash... I have dogs and enjoy spending time with them on the beach. So, no, I don't agree that leash free area should be removed. I often see people without dogs having picnics in the leash-free area, and get annoyed when dogs get close. Why? Don't like dogs, go to a dog free area.
I can understand that out of control dogs and random dog droppings can be a nuisance. Owners who can't control their dogs and don't pick up after their dogs are giving all dog owners a bad name.
I suppose it is about whether people with dogs use the off leash and on leash areas considerately. Some dog owners don't take enough responsibility for their dogs.
Hi creatineboy,
I feel your pain, especially in St Kilda, but I think it comes down to owners 'thinking' their dogs will be ok to be off the lead. I used to own a dog and I hated walking him and other owners wouldn't keep their dogs on the leash thinking their dog won't hurt anyone. Sometimes it's not about your safety, but rather the safety of their dog, because my dog would always take a swipe at other dogs off the leash. I would always look at the owners and basically say keep you're dog on a leash, or it's gonna get hurt!
...walking up sniffing my crotch... sounds like a personal hygiene issue to me?
I don't have too much of a prob with dogs running around in leash-free zones. What pisses me off is when their owners think that they can let their dog-turds remain on the ground -- in those zones! if you're gonna let your dog off the leash, then make sure
1. u pick up all their turds.
2. u don't let them out of your site, so they might defecate without you seeing them.
I agree that dogs and all domestic animals should not be allowed on beaches. On any beaches. Any time of the day. Any time of the year. Dogs are animals, and over 90% of the time are uncontrollable by owners. Dogs are just everywhere now, you can't enjoy a walk along the beach without a dog shitting in the sand, barking incessantly, pissing on people's clothing (yes, I have seen all of this while walking on the beach) and don't ever again think you can just lie down and listen to the waves. A dog will inevitably come charging up to you while you are lying on your towel. Owners of dogs seem to think that everyone "loves dogs". Well whether they do or they don't, there is no place for them on our beautiful beaches. Ever.
This is pathetic.
There are dog beaches and normal beaches. If you don’t like dogs don’t go to dog beaches simple. Don’t go lay on an off leash dog beach abd not expect a dog to be running around having a great time!! It’s their beach day. You have many other beaches to go to. Honestly what a joke this conversation is
In the Port Melbourne / St Kilda area, during very generous 'winter months' (March - October) there are NO BEACHES that are dog free. So if you love the beach, have small children, or just want to enjoy without the hassles of dogs, there is NO WHERE TO GO. Further to that, it's crazy that 1 animal should dominate all of the beaches in the area. We never have the pleasure of being visited by pelicans, seals, penguins, or many other sea dwelling animals because of this. It's unfortunate and quite depressing when you think about it. I hope that our beaches become true representations of the community one day, which would include the birds and mammals who make the beach their home (not just a place to run and pee and crap on)...
Yes I agree. I'm not a Melbourne resident, however where I live in QLD, the council has unfairly & stupidly placed an OFFLEASH area directly outs in front of residential property. We are positioned right on the beach so many of us don't have fences - regardless of this, dogs run in & out of peoples yards and up on retaining walls, often doing their business on outdoor furniture or simply on fences. The dogs off leash also set off the dogs who live along the street so it becomes a chorus of menacing and annoying barking at all hours. There are better more suitbale locations nearby for this activity yet talking to council is like pulling teeth. There is also NOWHERE to go in my town that is a DOG-FREE area, so like one of the comments above, too bad if you have small children, don't want to be hassled or simply don't like dogs, this is the way things are going and it doesn't make sense to me, particularly since beaches are highly sensitive environments and dogs are not marine animals.
There should be opportunities to walk on the beach without dogs off leash at all times of the day all year round. The best way to share is to have on leash areas. At present every beach is off leash from April till November. The balance is missing and many dog owners do not recognise that many do not want to be around off leash dogs on the beach.
Dogs don't belong to the ecosystem "beach". I know their entitled owners want to bring their toys to the beach but most of us do not want to walk barefoot in dog piss, dander, anal gland fluid sodden sand. Having dogs is a personal hobby, they should keep their mutants to themselves and on their own property.