"One of Melbourne's best kept secret suburb!"
This affluent suburb is tucked away between Ivanhoe and Ivanhoe East. It consists of spacious homes and lovely families. Quiet and green, it's close to some lovely schools (East Ivanhoe Primary School, Ivanhoe Girls Grammar, Ivanhoe Primary School, Fairy Hills Kindergarten) and is easy access to amenities (supermarkets, shops, groceries), freeway, Eaglemont train station and large open spaces.
All this comes at a serious cost -> housing / rental prices are in the top most expensive bracket.
This is one of the few neighbourhoods I would seriously love to move into, if I could afford it.
Great for
- Leafy Streets
- Safe and Sound
- Close to everything.
- Exceptional local school choices
Not great for
- Expensive
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Trendy & Stylish
"Busy Busy Busy"
NYC is one of the cities you need to see once in your life. It's busy but exciting! With so many different things to see -> from shows on Broadway to massive Central Park.
To live here is an expensive proposition. If you can afford it, then you would enjoy it.
"Surprising not as busy for a main road in a great suburb"
This is a main road between connecting the lovely suburb of Ivanhoe to the other northern suburbs. What is really surprising is that this road is actually not that busy, considering it's size and length! Of course, at night during 4-7 it's busy, but after that, it's pretty empty. Weekends are great too :)
There's plenty of big houses or townhouses that line the street. Big walls to cut out sound more than people.
The Ivanhoe shops are contains in the south part of the road.Ivanhoe Grammar and the a few Kindergartens and Primary Schools also near by.
Heidelberg station / Eaglemont station or Ivanhoe Station are all accessibly very easily by vehicles, bikes or feet.
Parking is a bit meh where the shops are but not a problem elsewhere.
One saturday in the year, the southern part of the road (where the shops are) is closed of to all vehicle traffic as the Ivanhoe Festival takes over :)
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Hipsters
- Students
- Trendy & Stylish
"A great little suburb but with some bad problems"
Richmond is a pretty damn good place to live. It's got nearly everything you need near by - food, shopping, access to the city, sporting events - u name it. But it's very squishy and SOOOO expensive and u cannot drive anywhere on the weekend as every street is bumper to bumper.
So if you can time it so you don't leave the house on the weekends and score a good deal on a house, then you've got a great location to live.
Houses are small, so it's really catering all but families.
Also - don't forget the awesome nightlife with the choice of food and pubs and drinking and pubs and did I already mention drinking?
Great for
- Close to the City.
- Entertainment
- Location
- Culture
Not great for
- A bit dirty.
- Traffic around peak hour
- Parking can be hard to find
- Pretentious people
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Hipsters
- Students
- Trendy & Stylish
"A bit too cheesy for me."
Nice beaches, nice surf. Too many tourists and bogans now swarm all over the place like a bad smell. Looks like it was a great place to hang out in the 1950's but after all the Towers came in, it all went down hill IMO.
Great for
- Good beaches
Not great for
- Schoolies weak.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Tourists
- Students
- Beach Lovers
"Having a blast visiting The City by the Bay"
First time visitor to San Fran and I'm having a blast :) I'm staying downtown in the Financial District and have gone out on the Bay and checked out The 'Rock and the Golden Gate Bridge which was really great to finally see :) Love the backstory behind both landmarks :)
After spending some time on the Bay we've checked out the Fisherman's Warf - a tourist mecca for the City. Lots of colourful people and shops - not too bad :)
Next up - hitting Union Square to do some long awaited shopping :) It was exciting to hit the big Mall's to find some great shopping for labels like CK, Ralph Lauren, etc. Me == one happy camper!
Finally, we ended up at some really nice cafe called Globe which served food until 1am - just what we like and wanted :) Food was also surpurb!
So -- first few days here in San Fran have been really good -- looking forward to the next few :)
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
"Cute little town out of Geelong"
I've travelled through this town on the way to Winchelsea for years. Even though the Hamilton Highway passes straight through this tiny little town, it's still not that busy from the times I've passed through. It's seems very quiet and well maintained. I really like the row of trees that line the highway when you exit the west side of the the town towards Hamilton (near the War Memorial).
The place has a reall old school feel to it. I've never stopped here but it looks lovely and peaceful. I think there's a parking/piknick area on the east side of town when you leave/enter the town limits - very nice :)
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
"Suck back that noise and fumes...."
Bell street is a major road for traffic travelling west<->east in the northern suburbs. It connects to CityLink, so lots of traffic offloads to this place .. for those communters wanting to go east.
It's always busy and blocked and slow, slow slow. Like seriously, you'd be an idiot to use Bell street any time of the day while the sun is up. If we need to go to the airport and need to access City Link from the Bell Street entrance, we use the streets parallel to it and only pop onto it at the last moment.
There's a great source of take away junk food to keep you healthy (note: sarcasim). To get some real food, you'll need to check out Sydney Road.
It also has a number of large francise shopping, but that's way down on Bell Street in another suburb.
There's no way I'd ever live on this street -> I value my health too much!
You're actually reviewing Bell street. You were supposed to be reviewing Ovando street.
Yes, Bell street eventually joins the Tullamarine freeway or the South Eastern freeway, but I don't see the relevance this has to Ovando street?
"To get some real food you need to check out Sydney road" You can't cook healthily with the plethora market priced fresh meat, seafood, fruit and veg from Preston market?
Northland is a 10 minute walk from Ovando street, it IS actually in the suburb of Preston.
It appears your review has provided absolutely no value to anyone looking for information on Ovando street.
"Vroom Vroom Vroom!"
I like driving my car down this main street when i need to cut through the city. Has a great view of the harbour and the gardens. It always makes me want to watch a movie at IMax .. cause u can get a great view of it from your car.
"Backstreet near to the water"
I occasionally use this street to get quick access to Darling Harbour. It's pretty non-descript average run o' the mill street in the busy and semi-dirty parts of Sydney.
I wouldn't live in this street, but I do use it.
"Not too bad for the inner suburbs"
Harrison street has both good and bad points that make living here not too bad -- but not the best place in the country.
o) Parks: Completly surrounded by open green parklands - the next best thing would probably be a botanical gardens. The Merri Creek flows by with lots of walking and jogging tracks for babies, health freaks and dog owners.
o) Activity centres: There's a council sports field around the corner and a public (bicycle) velodrome next to the middle section of the street. I think the velodrome was used in the melbourne olympics .. i _think_. Down the road (or a walk along the river) is the hippie commune Ceres (http://www.ceres.org.au/). This is a great place to relax, buy organic food from their market or catch up with peeps. On the other side of the creek is a public golf course (http://www.darebin.vic.gov.au/Page/page.asp?Page_Id=487&h=0) that's fun to play on .. if you're into that type of thing.
o) Quiet: it's really really damn quiet! i love it! u can hear the birds ... well, the ones left alive in this planet and living in the cities :)
o) Close to the city: it takes me 15 mins to get the tram into the heart of the city (eg. Burke St). By car/scooter even less.
o) Bogans: The parks have car parking space which sometimes attract bogus and smaktards from the surrounding area's. Of course, these phunks eat McDonalds (located near the street) and by their genetic deformations in their brain, they tend to throw it out of the lame arse hotted up cars, left for the council (or nature) to pickup / blow away. That's why we started SmakTard-Bashing on saturday nights --> don a balaclava, grab a baseball bat, wait until it's dark and around midnight (remember -> they need to goto McDonalds .. so that has to be open...) you run out and start clubing them and their cars. They're generally too stoned to fight back. If you're lucky, they go all emo and cry about their bashed up car. Idiots.
o) Pigeons: Though they seem nice and cutsey, they love to kick back in your open air garage, on the roof beams ... and crap all over your car. I don't mean a nice little plop .. but some mother-of-all-sickly-craps-to-end-all-craps. Damn them!
o) Dog owners: this is just me .. but can dog owners PLEASE PICK UP THEIR DOG WASTE? please? pwitty pwease?
Could be good or bad:
Paper Thin Walls: You can hear the neigbours fight and scream to having sex .. can be both good and bad at times :)
So yeah. I really like the street but like everything there's both good and bad points. The houses are all the same (3 story town houses) at one end or little detached cute houses on the city end. There's a kewl russian orthodox church in the middle and the parklands are very very very kewl! So much room to move!
You can hunt and gather at Coles or Pedimonte's (my preference) which is a 5-10 min car drive. The all important alch-e-hol is found on Nicholson street at the corner pub, opposite a kick ass pizza joint. Totally kick ass.
If u get a chance to buy a place here - i'd recommend it. The houses would be a better purchase than the town houses IMO because you would feel like you have a bit more privacy.
Oh! how could i forget - there's a cute pond opposite the Church that holds a family of ducks ... when there's water in there (rain? hello rain!?) :)
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
- Retirees
"James Avenue is a Peninsula Gem"
We moved here about a 1 1/2 years ago, and so far we absolutely love it. The neighbors are friendly, the houses are charming and unique, there's a great sense of pride and sincerity - all the class and charm of Palo Alto, without the snobs.
We have a great mix of age groups, mostly families and couples. The parks are plentiful, clean and absolutely incredible for having fun with family and friends. The schools are, well, ranked among the top in the state, and the new downtown are seems to be going through an exciting renaissance.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Families with kids
The beautiful alphabetical ordering of streets is screwed up right when you get to this street. What's up with that?
you forgot to mention all the syringes