What are the school holiday dates in Victoria for 2019?
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What are the school holiday dates in Victoria for 2019?

Trying to make holiday plans for Easter and Christmas but wondering when the school terms start/finish.
If anyone knows the school holiday dates in Vic for 2019 that'd really help.
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3 Answers

Hi chromatical the Vic school holiday dates for 2019 are...

After term 1 - Saturday, 6 April 2019 to Monday, 22 April 2019

after term 2 - Saturday, 29 June 2019 to Sunday 14 July 2019

after term 3 - Saturday, 21 September 2019 to Sunday, 6 October 2019

and Summer Holidays - Saturday, 21 December 2019 to Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Have fun planning!


Ah, you're the best thanks, Melissa.

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@mleissawhinnen 's dates look pretty much spot on - for public schools. Private schools are different. The biggest difference is private schools ususally close up shop after the 1st week in December.

What hurts is this: Summer Holidays - Saturday, 21 December 2019

That's _litterally_ just before Christmas! So compare that to private schools and you can see that public-kids get 2 weeks LESS of holidays :( So I'm thinking of taking my little-ones out of public school, earlier this year to give em some well deserved rest. Also, December (at public schools) are literally 'child care' mode. Nothing serious happens at all. Sure, it's easier for some parents because they both work (like me + wifey) so then they don't need to worry about finding someone to look after the little ones. But I remember how much fun I had during Summer Holidays and sometimes, it's nice to have the children play outside for longer, etc.


Hmmm I reckon I'd be keeping my kids in school to give me time to get a little last minute Christmas shopping done ;) hehehe


Christmas holdays were the BEST as a kid. It felt like the longest time in the world. Did we always stay in school all the way up till just before Christmas? I felt like it was a lifetime of holidays back then, way longer than now, but it could just be time as a kid goes so long.

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Term Start Date End Date Length
Term 1 Tuesday, 29 January 2019 Friday, 5 April 2019 10 Weeks
School Holidays Saturday, 6 April 2019 Monday, 22 April 2019 (Autumn Holidays)
Term 2 Tuesday, 23rd April 2019 Friday, 28 June 2019 10 Weeks
School Holidays Saturday, 29 June 2019 Sunday 14 July 2019 (Winter Holidays)
Term 3 Monday, 15 July 2019 Friday, 20 September 2019 10 Weeks
School Holidays Saturday, 21 September 2019 Sunday, 6 October 2019 (Spring Holidays)
Term 4 Monday, 7 October 2019 Friday, 20 December 2019 11 Weeks
School Holidays Saturday, 21 December 2019 Tuesday, 28 January 2020 (Summer Holidays)

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