What is the law with the Red bus lanes on Manningham and Williamsons Roads, Doncaster?
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What is the law with the Red bus lanes on Manningham and Williamsons Roads, Doncaster?

What's the deal with the new lanes being painted completely red. I realise they are for buses but can normal traffic enter these lanes? You need to enter these lanes to turn into Doncaster Shoppingtown. Worried I might get booked!
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29 Answers

"Lets relax, enjoy today ..."

Good point ... who cares about pollution for future generations in 2050. Lets build more streets and drive with our V8 Utes. Why plan and build a sustainable environement we are anyhow dead in a 80 years and our kids can solve the problem.


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JVS you worry too much ! Who knows what the population will be in 2050 ! And flying cars LOL you can't be serious ? When I was young that's what I thought the Year 2000 would look like , flying cars , robots doing everything for you and computers taking over the world....hang on I think maybe that last one has happened : O

Lets relax, enjoy today and the immediate future and what will be will be ....

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Have a look here:
That is what I call an infrastructure project.

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I hate to think what traffic in areas like Doncaster will be if we reach the 6-8 million people over the next 30 years (ABS believe Melbourne will grow to 8 million by 2050).

There is no cheap solution long term, you cant cut down the amount of useable road by having exclusive bus lanes and expecting more to commute. It just wont happen in sufficient numbers to reduce congestion.

Tunnels and trains are not cheap but will work. Anyhow, aren't we supposed to have flying cars in 2050 so it wont be a problem!

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@monty: I still think that makes no sense. It just causes more congestion for cars. Build tunnels under the city for a proper train network ... (or when there is enough space on ground or above ground (on top of a freeway/or in the middle of a freeway) ... to get a proper future proof network for a city with more than 7 million people in 2049. Red painted streets and some lines for buses will not help a lot. I agree that this should be also done in some areas ... but I miss the overall big concept. Will cost some money but when Melbourne wants to grow we need the infrastructure.

And yes ... why not remove all "Clearways" in Melbourne ... it is so confusing when you are allowed to park at certain times and just not in rush hour ... make always non parking areas ... why park on such a big street like Princess Street in Kew or Punt Road/Hoodle in Richmond down to St Kilda. One parked car could cause a little congestion.

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Bus lines are being installed all over Melbourne, where they can be used to speed up the passage of buses through congested areas and intersections. Note the priority bus traffic lights at Doncaster & Manningham Rd corner. The bus lines are a solid white line, except just prior to roads where you want to turn to the left, they are a broken white line, and that is the point at which you can enter a bus lane to turn left. If you choose to travel in a bus lane for some distance, you can be fined, be warned!

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There is soon a petition for another feasibility study for a heavy train line to Doncaster ... It should be in Westfield Doncaster somewhen in December ...

Found that info in the Manningham matters ... city council newsletter ... nothing on their website :-(. But here some more info:

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That's fantastic minwombat. (love the avatar!).

I still think the best way to encourage public transport in the area is to add a train. It was proposed to add a line from the city to Westfield Shoppingtown parallel to the Eastern freeway (many years ago).

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I recently had in my letterbox a survey about the planned upgrade to the Doncaster Road bus lanes:
You find some info here:
and here

As usual what I am missing is bike paths and an overall longterm concept for the buses ...

In my opinion only a train to Doncaster/ Doncaster East would solve the future problems ... who really would use a bus ... why not build high speed train on the eastern freeway and connect via tunnels to the city loop ... that would be a proper solution for the expected growth of Melbourne ... not a red painted bus lane.

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It gets quite dangerous when some who ignore the rules are already on the lanes and you practically have to cut in front of them . I hate drivers who think they are above everyone else ! No wonder there's so much road rage out there there's absolutely no consideration for anyone else. An elderly driver who was annoyed with my nephew once got out of his car and went to open his door to threaten him ! What has happened to people ?

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I think it just comes down to common sense guys. Don't use the lane unless you are turning, and if you are turning, only enter it when you are close to the street.

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There's no sign telling you but I've heard from others you can turn into the lane 100 metres out. It makes it interesting when you need to turn and others are already in the lane before you albeit illegally.

How hard is it for Vicroads to put up a sign? Crazy.


Or even a camera for more revenue to build the train line!!

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What if you are turning into George St ? From what distance are you allowed to enter ?


300 meters

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Police are now booking people. On the weekend a car moved into the bus lane on Williamsons Road, just before entering Manningham Rd (where the bus/non-bus lanes dangerously merge). The lady was in the lane for no more than 30 seconds and the police came from no-where and booked her.

People are learning though and finally some large digital signs that warn about entering the lane.

Be careful!

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Thought I'd just give my 2 cents about this... I'm a daily commuter, not always via Shoppo, but frequently, and the bus lanes came in during the introduction of the 903.
They are there for the following reasons:
1) give buses turning right from Doncaster Rd into Williamsons Rd a priority
2) give the 903's priority - it is a long route, and frequently runs a few minutes behind.
3) encourage bus usage
4) provide a clearance so that buses can (most of the time) turn into shoppo without being stopped by traffic lights.
In my opinion, they're great, although signage becomes an issue. A mere Bus Lane sign isn't much... They should have a warning, and something about turning right.

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Yep I'm used to them and don't mind them at all. Actually I'm glad they are there as I turn into George St in the mornings and its so much easier now where before all three lanes used to be congested and it would take ages to turn. Thank you red lanes : )

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So after the lanes being red "bus lanes" for a while now, dopeople still care? Like all things they settle down. I know I really don't mind them at all. Thoughts?

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Donnyresident said: Read in the local paper that it's a three month pilot after which you will be fined $85 for entering the lane, only time you can enter is 100 metres before you need to turn off.

These are the same rules on Hoddle street. It's a T1 only in the morning. The only way to enter this lane is 100 metres before the road/lane entrance. There are signs saying "Enter here to turn left".

So maybe the red bus zone is a T1 zone, now??

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Initially I just thought they were slow lanes, and then they painted big the letters BL so it clicked that they were Bus Lanes : ) I'm used to them now and like you said AJ there is a good reason for them , as the traffic congestion at peak times can be pretty bad around Shoppingtown.

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Hi Knighta,

There is a good reason they exist. Over the weekend, I was going up to the Shoppingtown Fitness First for a workout, and the traffic was backed all the way to the Aquarena on Williamson Road. Now while very annoying for me, imagine how annoying it would be a bus driver needing to get to certain bus stops on time. The buses cannot be in unnecessary traffic, hence why they have dedicated lanes around shopping districts.

BUT I do think there should be more signage saying what restrictions are in place for using them, As people NEED to use these lanes when turning, there should be sign saying "Do not use bus lanes unless turning"...or something of that sort.

There is no doubt that the new Westfield has created a number of major traffic problems in the area, as well as parking problems. I'm sure they will be sorted out over time. Just look at Chadstone Shopping Center and all the extensions and roadworks they have made. I remember when traffic was SHOCKING in and out of the main entrance. Now it has been downgraded to just ok (not perfect).


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I think the bus lanes are the most stupidest Idea. How often do u see a bus in there??? They are creating traffic and more accidents!! I use the bus lane all the time and i think they should re-consider this stupid Idea. Things worked fine before, didnt they!? They are just trying to make money off us by using them, All to do with revenue. I am totally against these stupid lanes!

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wow, that sucks! It really needs to be signed a whole lot better to explain that!

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Read in the local paper that it's a three month pilot after which you will be fined $85 for entering the lane, only time you can enter is 100 metres before you need to turn off.

It's really poorly signed, doesn't give you any idea that it's illegal to enter.


That's GOOD at least that could be a good arguement to fight the charge in court and win.

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Reasonably sure it has something to do with the Smartbus Route 903 which is planned for Manny Rd. It will run from Altona to Mordialloc, via the outer suburbs in a ring form.

I noticed a similar red lane on Anderson Rd in Sunshine last week, which will also be part of the 903 route. No idea when this bus route becomes operational, and at last check there was no info on the Metlink website about it.

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I was thinking the exact thing the other day I was on the red lane. Initially when they were first done red, I thought they were a "slow" lane : ) but then I realised they are a bus lane. I wish they would make it clearer if we are allowed to drive on them, I don't want a fine either ! Although I have a feeling that it's a lane that buses have priority even though cars can enter.

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Here's a recently launched website by the NRMA to voice your opinions on the roads in Australia. Not a bad idea!



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I was wondering when someone was going to mention these bus lanes. I understand why they are there, as these lanes get very busy during peak hour times. With a bus trying to navigate these lanes, iot's virtually impossible, hence why they are bus lanes now.

I'm pretty sure it is illegal to be in these lanes though if you are not a bus driver (unless turning). I don't find they have made traffic any worse though, so no problems here.


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So true! What is the deal with them? I do use them as the signs only say "Bus Lane" where as other bus lanes that I've seen say "Bus Lane Only" - is there a difference legally?

Maybe I'm just an impatient driver on the weekends when Williamson road is being backed up to the aquarena with people waiting to turn towards shoppo....

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I find these bus lanes a bit confusing too - but they can't stop you using them when you need to turn. I'm sure that's ok!

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