Any secret parking areas at the new Doncaster Shoppingtown?
47 answers15 following

Any secret parking areas at the new Doncaster Shoppingtown?

The new Westfield is fantastic with so many new shops opening what seems like monthly but there seems to be absolutely no parking!

Last weekend we were told by a parking attendant it could take 30 minutes to find a park.

Surely there must be some hidden/secret areas known only to locals? We used to park on the upper roof adjoining the cinemas, you could always get a park. Now, this has gone.
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47 Answers

For anyone trying to find parking @ Donny!!!
Try parking on the Yellow rooftop carpark (Y2M) there's always bays there (except near crissy). The yellow car park is on the Doncaster Road side :)

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@carolmargaret: Your daughter paid $25 because she would of parked in the custumer area which is actually normally ment to be a $30 fee for staff members who DO NOT park in the allacated staff parking areas. Had she parked in 1 of the 4 staff areas she would of only paid $4 for the day instead of $25. To be honest, she's lucky she didnt have to pay $30.

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As a professional shopaholic I usually drive up the Doncaster road entry all the way to the top, go straight ahead towards the main entrance keep following the road around you will see the glass roof area, now just behind the glass there are are some parking spots that not many people know about, to access this are you need to keep driving along this glass section and trun left at the end and go around you won't park anywhere else.

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That's pretty rough - you would think if you worked there you would be able to park for free.

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No she worked for 7.5hours and did not get a chance to move her car. Her co worker was once charged $30. Ridiculous for staff members.

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$25 to get out? Did she lose her ticket?

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My daughter was working there and had to pay $25 to get out of the carpark. What a disgrace!!!!!!

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Thursday and Friday nights after work are always empty. Saturday mornings until 11am.

And, if you don't mind paying you can always get a spot at Valet parking, even Christmas eve - it will cost you $10 which for some is better than the stress of looking for a park.

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What are the best and worst times to go to the shops here? When can you get a park easily?

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Some secret places:
-Outside next to the bus interchange (only sometimes, usually weekdays)
-Up the rooftop from Doncaster Road, stay on the lower floor, go through the undercover, go out the other end, and there's usually a few free spaces.
-Go straight down the Doncaster Road entrance, and on weekdays, there are sometimes a few spots.

Or alternatively, take public transport! :D

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Yeah the roof is always your best bet. I hate people who dordle their way there. My parking strategy is to go the empty areas first (which are normally the furthest away from the shopping centre entrance but is less stressful) and then work my way in. It makes more sense that way, because everyone always goes for the entrance first = more congestion\stress.

So JVS your strategy is spot on - straight up to the roof!


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You definitely want to avoid peak times, I'm finding on weekends you want to be there before 11.30am there are plenty of spots, after and you are in trouble. There is always valet parking but that can get expensive and if you want to drop off some shopping its not so easy to get your car out.

My tip - go straight for the roof! Enter off Williamsons Rd next to Myer all the way to the top.

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I've gotten used to the Shoppingtown jungle and try not to get too stressed over it. However I do try to avoid peak times .
Sangma2009 ,there were less cars 10 years ago and the truth is we are all part of the problem. We use the car to even drive 1 kilometre sometimes to pick up our children from school, only to create a massive dangerous traffic hazard .

There was a time we knew how to use our feet to walk, there was a time children could walk to and from school without a mobile phone glued to their ear, and there was a time because of all this walking we were happier, fitter and more social human beings.

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Due to over population things were changing so fast in the past 10 years back there was no problem in parking the car even while going for shopping but now even if the particular place were reserve for parking place all were occupied thats the problem we face!


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celina...i think you have the wrong type of solution to this parking

Mind you AJ im yet to have to wait more than 2 minutes for a spot....i dont call it MY shopping centre for

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The society is facing problems with such laws. This has to go legal and it’s needed to be sorted at the earliest.

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NOOOOOOO!!!! My secret car parking spot AKA Staff parking is now officially OVER! They just put up new "Access Card" only boom gates to the Staff car parking up the top ramp on Doncaster road, so now you can't park there anymore. Oh well, have to fight the crowds like everyone else was nice while it lasted :(


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Thought you might find this funny - I witnessed 2 near miss accidents - one involving 2 cars and another a car and pedestrian in the carpark. The parking was busy - and I bet it was due to people looking at those green and red overhead lights.

People really focus on the lights looking up to the roof instead of the road ahead.

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Hello again guys!!! Did anyone see the article in the local leader newspaper about how MORE locals are really peeved at the parking? It spoke about how no one is happy with the parking situation, and there is even a facebook group called:

"The Car Park at Shoppo is totally F**KED"

And it has over 300 members! Looks like we aren't the only ones guys :)


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Ok, so I just realised on the weekend that I have been parking in the staff parking section!!! THAT'S why there is hardly anyone up there. BUT I find it weird that there is no staff car park sticker on any of the cars, there are just signs saying "Staff Parking". Same as the normal car park, except it's the whole roof level. You didn't hear it from me, but it's a great place to park :)

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I guess I'm over it, I mean I should be happy I have such an awesome shopping centre so close to home. Beats driving all the way to Chaddie, and their carpark is probably much worse.

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I new this would be the case DArgy!! Teething problems, like all new things, make people see the bad aspects. I'm not saying it's perfect, but I think it's not as bad as people think.

Glad you the car parking gods are back on your side :)


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I thought I'd never say it but I've gotten used to the Shoppingtown parking madness. I like going in Manningham Rd way , turning left and continuing under the carpark towards the Majic car wash.
Christmas shopping was good because of the late night hours , I never had a problem.

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So how did people go over the Christmas break? Did ANYONE take my advice and park on the roof? I still stand by it 100%, and had no need at all for Valet Ripoff Parking.


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I come from seymour and next time i see family over there i will check it out.

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Tempy I find that when it's busy, those little green/red lights above each car park often are broken. I've seen many times when a green light is on above a parked car. So in some way's I have lost faith in the system.

But looks like you are avoiding the peak exit times, which is exactly what I do...and just like you, i find I don't have a big problem anymore.


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just remember dinky you said it not me....lmao.....

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Hey, Tempy, it's great to know that you don't know what all us people are complaining about. You're obviously a superior human being to have never been caught in the carpark bottleneck, and we're probably all just really stupid or something. Good on you, and enjoy the shopping centre.

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i dont know what all you people are complaining about....i head over to doncaster atleast once a week...i have never had a problem with parking with the most time to find a park being about 10min...the overheads basically point you to the car dont have to troll each aisle....near the roof of each parking spot has a sensor that is green when vacant and red when not....pretty simple really look for the lights and keep an eye out for the overheads telling you where the parking is.....
when i go throughout the week i generally leave around the 3pm mark because of school pick up....and i can head over on a evening or over the weekend but i never hang about within a hour of close....and i have never had a problem exiting...

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Northland ? No way ! It's become moccassin city : ) Not trying to make fun of anyone, I used to own a pair myself : )

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hello everyone,

I havent been on here in a while but so cool to see people talking about the local issues.

I ABSOLUTELY AGREE THE PARKING IS RIDICULOUS! And also agree with the part about getting out is the worse bit. But it is alot better than driving all the way out to Northland for shopping.

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Sorry, this ended up being a double post. I can't delete, so I'll just edit.

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Good advice AJ : ) The truth is that I have noticed that alot of people are using Manningham Rd entry and exit, today I drove straight under the carpark and exited from Doncaster Rd with ease : )
I almost got abused however when I arrived and found a spot , someone else thought it was hers ! People become so ferral at shopping centres !

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The problem isn't that there's no parking available on a busy holiday weekend. I can live with that. My issue is that the design of the carpark is so bad that you can spend the better part of an hour just trying to get out, once you realise that finding a parking place is hopeless. You can't get OUT. So what if you can't find a parking spot, that happens, no worries, just go elsewhere, but being prevented from going elsewhere, that's what irritates me.

I think they could have done better. For a start, forcing all of the driving lanes into one single lane which is then forced into multiple other lanes that trickle painfully through the single-vehicle exit, well, that could have been done differently. It's like the engineers decided it would be fun to just detain shoppers in the most inconvenient way possible.

Whatever they were thinking, I don't really care at this point. I don't know that they have anything there that I particularly need or want or can't get elsewhere.

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I'm not sure Westfield could have done anything more - they have added an enormous amount of parking - 7 storeys on the Myer side, the real issue is that so many more people from around Melbourne are curious to check it out, they are advertising a lot on TV. My cousin from the Northern suburbs wants to visit it.

I think it will eventually settle down after a few months.

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Thursday nights seem to be the best time - plenty of carparks from 6.30 to 9pm.

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Hi DinkyDi,

I was there on Sunday afternoon, and I have a few pointers for you when parking at Doncaster Shopppingtown.

1) NEVER leave after 4:30. That's when everyone else will be leaving. Always try and plan your shop so you can leave at around 4ish.
2) Avoid the Multilevel car parks. Driving down lane upon lane just makes you mad, and because it is so cramped down there, people get even mader.
3) Don't use the Manningham Road entrance. It's a nightmare, especially once you are in the car park.
4) Always use the Doncaster Road Entrance. Don't fall for the first entrance either. It leads staight up to the gym area, and it only 1 lane. Go to the second entrance further up the hill.
5) The very best place to park on the roof section closest to the Doncaster Road entrance. Not the roof section near the cinemas, but rather the roof section that's the very highest. I ALWAYS get a park up there. The reason I think is because most people stay on the lower levels and never make it to the top. Do yourself a favour, and skip the underground sections.

Hope that helps!

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I agree DinkyDi ! I'm thinking of going there today but I'm afraid of getting trapped !

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Lost an hour of my life in the carpark at Doncaster today. I know, it's a busy time of year, etc., I get that, but after about twenty minutes we decided it wasn't worth trying to stay and find a spot, so we decided to leave. And that was where the time went. For a while, we were actually shutting the engine off because there was no movement at all and it was just a big waste of petrol.

I can cope with not being able to find a place to park when it's busy (no worries, I'll go elsewhere), but keeping me a prisoner in a carpark for the better part of an hour is just not on.

I'd like to take all the engineers who designed that place plus the centre officials, give them each a couple litres of fizzy drink, and then put them in cars and sit them in the carpark on a busy day and see how much they enjoy the experience.

I won't be back. It's a shame, because we used to go there very regularly prior to the remodel, and we went a few times during (to the parts that were open, anyway). It looks like it's a really interesting redevelopment, and, hey, we've got money to spend. But the design of the carpark there is monumentally, stupendously BAD, and I don't think I want to risk being trapped in the carpark again, ever.

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Anyway it still doesn't solve the problem of the mass exodus : )

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WARNING: Do not use valet parking if you ever want management to improve the parking situation at Shoppingtown !

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I wouldn't park at the Doncaster Hotel anymore - they are putting letters saying they will tow you away and the area is now under video surveillance. I'm sure eventually they will tow someone to show they are serious.

I tried valet parking (cost $10) - definitely recommend it if you cant find a spot quickly.

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@donnyresident I wouldn't bother. It only LOOKS like it's tough to get a park because there is such a huge bottleneck getting in and out of the shopping center. In reality, there are a lot of car parks inside. As DArgy mentions, Shoppingtown just needs a lot more exits.

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What a joke, people are parking across the road to get to a shopping centre that cost them millions to build and design ! More exits to the car park please Westfield Group or people are just going to stop coming.

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Park over the other side of Manningham Road at the Doncaster Hotel - it's a quick walk. If it's really busy and you're desperate you can always try around Council St and walk.

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Hi guys,

I was up at shoppingtown on the weekend, and I think the parking situation was a lot better. I had no trouble parking up the top. Perhaps the number are dropping off now that the novelty of the center has dropped off?

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yes there are but you didnt hear it from me :)

If you go drive in the Doncaster Rd entrance you can go right down the bottom and park in "Staff only" parking section

...wait a minute...I think it's only for Staff...

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