Why have house prices in Point Cook reduced so much this year?
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Why have house prices in Point Cook reduced so much this year?

Are all the outer suburbs as low as Point Cook or is it just out in the West?
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14 Answers

Almost everywhere in Melbourne, this year the real estate price has dropped. no surprise.


LOL, Are you a hopeful? Keep hoping, you will be left behind

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Its all overpriced, don't know how people can afford it..


I said the same of WL when the estate development started, didn't/refused to buy. Ended up paying premium for a poorly built home as I then saw the growth. That I didn't regret. Same thing for Point Cook

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Point Cook's property market faces headwinds:

Government policies deterring investors
Diverse suburb with housing not always meeting buyer needs (e.g., older homes in Alamanda Estate not ideal for some families)
Wyndham Council struggling to deliver new projects, impacting surrounding areas
However, Point Cook still shines with:

Proximity to the city and Avalon Airport
Affordable housing
Approved hospital construction
It's a mixed bag, but Point Cook has solid fundamentals for long-term potential.

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Looking for a home in Point Cook, VIC 3030

LOL, I've been looking at buying, nothing decent under $700K
I find has alot of hopefuls wishing prices would drop making unsubstantiated claims to the point of annoyance

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The prices will go up / go down. That's what happened in US (2009 crash) and then again it went up. Earth population has increased from (6.8 Billion) 2009 -> (7.6 Billion) 2018, so the demand is always going to just keep increasing unless some asteroid fucks this up :-). Keep investing, keep treading for a better future. I will invest in SpaceX IPO as well (future proof - to mars). Enjoy.

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Point Cook is Overpriced - No Doubt about it. I am watching this market for the last 3 years and see that the houses which quoted 650K-750K AUD in the year 2017 is asking for 950K AUD to over 1 million AUD now. In Point Cook if the seller is asking for 900K-1.2 Million range the actual price is 630K-750K, AUD. It does not worth a penny above that. It takes hours to reach freeway. Both Point Cook and Sanctury Lakes are SWAMP/MArsh Lands. IT IS OVERPRICED. Please think twice before investing here. I am one of the victims here who purchased a house here. Price is Point Cook area is a ballooned one.


You are not serious are you? Generalising too much as the areas like Saltwater and Sanctuary Lakes are tucked way out, the other parts of Point Cook next to Town Centre are really a lot more accessible, and within reach to other suburb's facilities and freeway where you are talking less thsn 5mins to freeway. While properties on Saltwater and SLakes had sufferred a big plunge, that is not representative of areas near the Town Centre.

Its a beautiful area! And great access to freeway! Well maintained and not far from the city! Dont know why you want to diss it!


Great access to freeway? Perhaps at 3am in the morning when stank is still about. Thanks to mother nature, and it's calling.... Melbourne's waste must be treated somewhere, might as well be there.

Good luck hopefuls Keep dreaming! Right now can't even build a decent house under $500K


Point Cook is a bit of a mixed bag. Upper Point Cook has great freeway access, but Sanctuary Lakes is a bit out of the way, even if it's pretty safe. I reckon this suburb has loads of potential, but it's overlooked. For my money, it's a better commute and better value than places like Officer down in the South-East.

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Poor infrastructure planning not keeping up with the number of new estates being built each year.
The town centre while cute doesn't really cut it for variety.
Finally they're upgrading Sneydes road onto the freeway but that will just add you into the already bulging queue on the freeway.
The Point Cook Rd carpark takes longer to get to the train station than the train to the city itself and then you have Williams Landing and various other estates growing on the other side.
I looked into moving to Pt Cook 10 years ago but all of these problems were obvious then so I stayed in the South East.


Shame your predictions were so off. We've been here for a year and infrastructure shopping and schools have all exceeded our previous experiences living in Ashburton in the east

The growing pains, but you know it is **growing**, like "Busy is always good". I am glad to be part of a multicultural point cook suburb, I have been exposed to so many different cultures and I see Australians like me becoming more open to all the cultures It's like a global city in making. I love it here, the business opportunities, my kids as global citizens with compassion this is what I wanted.

Pt Cook Rd should have a double carriage way and a bus lane, still not too late but more expensive

Comments from a South Easterner lol. I sure did remember the poor infrastructure going from city Kings Way to South East and stuck 1 whole hour from 7.30pm and had to make a turn and gave up the appointment. Another occasion gotten stuck all the way for almost 2hours from Chatstone towards Caulfield at around 6.30pm. Btw, you could literslly walk to the Williams Landing station from the Town Centre car park so getting onto freeway would be a breeze when the road works are completed which should be fairly soon. Like what Belindad5 says "shame your predictions were so off" or should we say "pity you your predictions were so skewed".

Point cook is the suburb to watch! Family oriented! 3 points of access to the freeway ?! And lots of space big homes ! And beaches close by! Hate traffic around the sth east, northern, so jammed with jams and schools! Here its easy peasy! And value for money which is showing as some houses that sold for $171 k 10 years ago are now selling for $700-$800k ! I would be jumping on it asap!


Belinda, purchasing during a lockdown doesn't reflect the real traffic issues in Point Cook. If you are a retired couple with nasal polyps, ( can't smell the sewage treatment facility ) and are asleep in bed by 7.30pm and don't have to fight your way to work or schools during peak hours the next day..... and have purchased a reinforced fortress, ( to prevent run- throughs and armed robberies) all is good. My friends and neighbours who still reside in Point Cook feel more unsafe than ever - in a post Covid dystopian Melbourne West. Tip- keep a large guard dog, and invest in an industrial quality air purification unit. The smell is terrible, yes, however I have real health concerns concerning the plants gas release. People should be able to open windows at night for fresh air.

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Point Cook is a bubble suburb. Logistically there is nothing for investors to grip their toes in. It's too far from the CBD to be a good catch, the houses were over-priced and many are made with timber interiors, without double brick. It's former swamp land, which in my opinion is a risky move due to unstable soils etc.

The traffic is offputting.

And frankly the local council seem more concerned with bolstering the other areas in the west than addressing the sorely needed issues in Point Cook.


That's a lot of misinformation. You obviously don't know much about the whole of Point Cook. Swamps towards the Saltwater Coast side yes, a large part isn't! Your point about investors is also very vague! Btw what points are you trying to make? Double brick homes no matter where you are building aren't the norm. Timber frames seem the norm unless you get a vacant lot and build with steel. Too far from CBD? Really? To me that sounds more like Cranbourne or Berwick!


I lived virtually opposite the Point Cook Town Centre, in Wattle Grove, and this property had multiple issues with unstable soil, large sink holes, tiger snakes etc. The terrible smell was something I personally couldn't get used to either, not in the 5 years I lived there.


Too far from CBD? Takes me 20mins to get there just before peak and 15 on Saturdays. I get to docklands and NGV from my driveway to carpark 20mins on average weekly afternoon with all current roadworks on the M1. We lived in Carnegie previously which was 12klms from the CBD but took forever to get there, not to mention in and around the suburbs. Love the accessibility to everything where we are.


20mins just before peak and 15 mins on weekends, ha ha ha no chance. It took me 15 minutes just to drive to our local shopping centre and playcentre (Hijinx) and park, and we lived virtually across the road and around the corner from both, everywhere surrounding and within Point Cooks bubble is difficult getting to.


Point Cook is a bit of an underrated suburb with loads of potential. There's heaps to do nearby, like South Werribee beach and zoo, Avalon Airport, and even Geelong's not too far. It's pretty close to the CBD too the regular metro line is quite frequent, and the limited express train only takes 27 minutes to get to Southern Cross station. I lived in Dandenong for six months, and it was a nightmare to commute when there were public transport delays. The quality of the houses here depends on the builder, but generally, they're pretty good. And to be honest, I haven't seen any swampy areas in the four years I've been here, even though I live near the wetlands of Sanctuary Lakes. It's not something I'm worried about.

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Many different opinions are available why prices go down or up in any suburb, often (and I have seen this in a few suburbs) when things go down, it may be a sign that they were too high to start with and people who rushed to buy (before they went up further) may have paid too much....then find themselves having to sell for one reason or another, and to secure a quick sale, any agent will tell you, set it low and watch it go!
With interest rates at record lows, (e.g. 4.69% fixed 2 years) now is the time to buy if you are in the market, or perhaps even look at restructuring your current home loan if you are paying more than this!
Help is just a phone call away or drop me a quick email :)
Good luck with it

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The selling market has been effected everywhere. However point cook seems to have had a harder hit because there is just so much to choose from. In saying that the market does seem to be improving and buyers confiedents is showing


Not when you are talking closer to Town Centre end. Good luck try looking for a bargain there! You be waiting a fair while.

Having said, investors on that part of Saltwater Coast are taking a hard hit but that is not the whole neither representative of Point Cook!

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buyers have too many option these days but in saying that they are starting to go up slowly


In good times, mediocre real estates piggy back on the fortunes of neighboring prime estates. In bad times, they fall flat whilst the prime real estates are unlikely to budge to bargain hunters.

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All Australian real estate price has decreased in the past year, we are going through a cycle, theres always a low, then it goes crazy for another 2 years, I predict this will occur from December onwards this year. Get yourself some real estate while the prices are low, they will never be this low again! History can tell you that!

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.. until you goto Hawthorn/Kew/Canterbury/Surry Hills/etc.. (all around there) and prices are still crazy :( It's killing me :( <-- I'm in the market to buy .. but can't afford these prices, still :(

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Massive supply on the market in Melbourne, prices are going to drop everywhere.


If you are talking small size lots which 'greedy developers' are cutting up more and more even in the really far out suburbs like Wyndham Vale ... Dream on trying to find anything over 600sqm lot size going on a bargain!

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