Belhaven Crescent
4.4(2 reviews)Belhaven Crescent, Newstead, TAS 7250
4.4(2 reviews)
Great for
- Internet access
- Pest-free
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- Schools
- Neighbourly spirit
Not great for
- No ratings yet
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- Retirees
Reviews of Belhaven Crescent, Newstead
"Quiet and Convenient!"
Belhaven Crescent is an old but quiet street located in Newstead. A short 5 minute walk from the local supermarket, chemist, post office, doctors surgery and bottle shop, this street is so convenient to live in, with lovely neighbours.
Jenna Baker - Property Manager, Launceston
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Looking for a home in Belhaven Crescent?
"Belhaven Crescent - Oh so convenient."
Belhaven Crescent runs between Elphin Road and Hobblers Bridge Road and is intersected by Olive, Birch and Pine which are all nice trees!!! This area is flat and very close to all that the Newstead Shopping Complex has to offer. The homes are post war weatherboards that are great for the renovator and investor alike. Review prepared by Eric Andersen and Mark Bushby.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
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- Families with kids
- Retirees
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Belhaven Crescent