Is Boronia ever gonna be rejuvenated? Is it safe enough for A young family ?( Oct 2020)
2 Answers
Easy to answer, head to the local Woolies, look at the people loitering outside, and consider if these are the sorts of people you'd like your children to grow up around? I'm afraid you'd be swimming against the tide if you went to the local schools here.
East of Dorset Rd is nice enough as it's hilly and has big blocks, but the west side is still lower-class.
I've been living in Boronia for about 6 years with a young family. I think it's a great area to live with lots of parks close by for families and services e.g. library, train station, shops with bigger shopping areas such as Knox Shopping Centre not far away. Great to be at the foothills of the Dandenongs as lots to do up there and not very far away. Hopefully the main shopping areas will be rejuvenated as it could definitely do with a new lease of life! :) There have been community consultations about the "Boronia Renewal Project" for a little while, you might be able to find info on the Knox City Council page. In terms of feeling safe, I've never really felt unsafe personally but I could understand if you use the train station (like any in Melbourne) there could maybe be issues (although my experience of using public transport regularly was many years ago!) I think lighting has been improved over the years, it's much brighter in the undercover car park at Coles now. Highly recommend living here, all the best with your house hunting :)
Any specific area or street to avoid ? What about the streets between the Blind creek and the library ? Thank you.