Schools and homes in Echuca/Moama?
3 Answers
I have a question as well why can't I find a nice home there for myself and my 2 young children there [email protected]
We are fortunate that we have great schools in both Echuca and Moama. There are both private and public schools available in Moama. Moama Grammar is the private school and has a great reputation, whilst the Moama Public School has a wonderful reputation also.
When it comes to Vic. /N.S.W. schools, the "proof of the pudding" is in the analysis of the respective VCE/HSC rankings. ATAR is another ranking index that can be useful for analytical purposes. Virtually all top 100 Victorian schools are located in Melbourne, but Ballarat and Bendigo have some "good fighters". By comparison, Echuca and Moama don't rank too well. A lot of statistics are available online but be cautious when phrases/categories of "most popular" and "most improved" are used. Raw data/results that are assembled into transparent information is required to determine what makes a "good" school, not the wishy/washy subjective (or even biased) opinions of people. For optimal chances of success, it may be best to send students to the big smoke(s).
We live in moama and have two boys, youngest goes to Echuca East Primary and eldest goes to St Joseph’s College (catholic high school). We’ve found them both to be great schools. The schools in Echuca and Moama all seem of a good standard and due to no zoning issues you can send your kids to any of the public schools if they have places, irrespective of which side of the river you live. There is a great school bus system. My suggestion would be to visit all the primary schools when you arrive to see which ones have space in the appropriate year group, and which you get a good feel for. We also checked naplan results online when we considered where to send our two.
Hi Lynn thank you for your answer. What about areas to live? In your opinion what would be your preference, If you dont want to post 100 % on her my email is [email protected] I would really appreciate honest information as I just want the best start for my 2 young boys and my family. Thank you