What is a good primary school near Everton Park?
1 Answer
Hi Chris,
I grew up in the area and went to McDowall Primary School on Rode Road. It is a great school with lots of amenities and a good program.
The school playgrounds are broken up in to age groups and have appropriate games/obstacle courses for their ages. The school usually does well in sport and academically, and when I was there, the teachers were great.
It is on a main road so it can be pretty busy if you are driving to pick the kids up right on 3pm but there are plenty of back streets that you can park in that aren't so busy if your kids are old enough to walk a couple of streets by themselves. The crossing has lights and usually a teacher standing there so it is pretty safe.
I know you also have Stafford Heights Primary nearby which is a small school but again, they have plenty of amenities and a close community. It is in back streets too so much quieter to pick the kids up too.
Hope this helps :)