affordable, cheap and safe suburb for family
confused weather to by house in eastern or western suburb. we work in cbd and are looking to buy first home for family with 2 little kids. which of the suburbs are safe and affordable with regards to schools, public transport, etc?
Depends on your budget, have a look here:
I'd recommend clyde north which is quite affordable houses staying around at $500-750k most houses at 550k$, (eastern suburb), I'd recommend bloom estate, or meridian estate if you want all the parks. They are also building a new daycare in the bloom estate, but it is due to finish construction so the closest daycare, is around 1.5km if you live in meridian, but in bloom it is around 500 metres, they are also building a new primary school in the clydevale estate which is connected with meridian estate and they've also built a new shopping centre in the Meridian Estate, Clyde North Lifestyle Centre and also one of the best primary schools in Victoria is only 2.5km away and is in the bloom and meridian zone (Tulliallan Primary School), you've also got St Francis Xavier College only 3 km away. There is also upcoming development in Meridian Estate 2 medical centres due to build. You've also got Fountain Gate which is the 2nd biggest mall in Victoria only 15 minutes away. You can also retreat to Rural Tooradin which is 10 minutes away from Clyde North, they're also building a new complex in the St Germain housing development area. Also Meridian estate, has a central park, which looks like this,145.346917,3a,75y,294.27h,85.78t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sswoEnkz92rPM7q5jJvsNKg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192 and you've also got Paragon Park, which has a skatepark, a flying fox and a big slide, you also have a lake nearby too.