How long does it take to get from Five Dock to City during peak hours?
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How long does it take to get from Five Dock to City during peak hours?

How long does it take to travel from Lyons Rd cnr Great North Rd to City? By bus or by train? Is there a direct bus to city, how long is the travel time during peak hours?
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2 Answers

35 to 45mins in peak on bus 438, 439 or L38/39 (express).

Bus is the only option unless you drive to the nearest ferry/light rail or train line.

It takes about 35mins to 45mins in peak to drive from Five Dock to the city (Circular Quay side).

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Hi there
I drive from Five Dock to Balmain every morning at 9am and journey takes 8 mins. Not sure about earlier times, sorry

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