Can someone tell me about schools in Greensborough - esp catholic schools?
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Can someone tell me about schools in Greensborough - esp catholic schools?

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5 Answers

St Mary's is on Grimshaw st., we have been there for the last 7 years. St Mary's school has a close relationship with the parish, but having said that, there are a few non-catholic students and they are accepted just as much as anyone else. The school is just completing the second large building works and the upgrade is pretty awesome, especially with new interactive whiteboard technology. St Mary's has a great computer program and a commitment to literacy and numeracy. Could be better with music though, which is not really offered. 600+ students but a surprisingly close community for such a lot of families. Worth mentioning is that out of 12 class teachers over the last 7 years (all our combined children) every single one has been great!

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Some great schools around.
Would not recommend St Thomas.
Numbers steadily falling for reasons -
Not a good culture at the school, below average NAPLAN results. Do your research

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There is also St Francis Xavier in Montmorency, just over the creek from Greensborough. A lovely, high-achieving school.

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Looking for a home in Greensborough, VIC 3088

There are a couple St Mary's, Grimshaw St and St Thomas, Diamond Creek Rd - There is also Holy Trinity in Weidlich Rd, Eltham

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There's a number of schools but the one you want is probably St Thomas primary school on Diamond Creek Rd. A lot of Catholic high school students go to OLMC at 52 Cape Street Heidelberg or Parade College at 1436 Plenty Road Bundoora

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