Is Huntfield Heights a good place to rent for families?
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Is Huntfield Heights a good place to rent for families?

Looking at renting in this area will it be good for my family ages 16,14,11
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7 Answers

My wife and I purchased a nice home on Oakridge Rise last year and have really enjoyed the lifestyle in Huntfield Heights. It's a peaceful suburb close to all amenities and great for young families wanting to enter the housing market without spending a fortune!

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I think this area is a 50/50. I grew up in Hackham West which is the neighbouring suburb and my partner grew up in Huntfield Heights. Personally i have had no problem with living in this area. I dont do drugs, barely drink and dont smoke cigarettes. I think you have to choose your parts of the suburb. Try to find out where the housing trust sections are and try to avoid those areas.

If you were to move here i would reccomend having a dog who barks at strangers. Again I had no issues in these areas. Worst was a spray painted fence. Our dog use to bark at anyone who walked past. If you were to move to the area I would also reccomend to try to avoid sending them to Christies Beach. A lot of my old friends have said the teachers dont really care about teaching. I would lean towards Cardian Collage if it was in your price range.

I have spent my whole childhood growing up there and i wouldn't change it for the world. I met some amazing people there and the area is not as bad as people make it out to be.

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Huntfield Heights does have a poor rating as a suburb to live in but there are areas within Huntfield Heights that many people would not have a problem living in. Beware of writing off an entire suburb as a place to live based on the opinion of others who may know little about life in that suburb and have only heresay to rely on.

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I wouldn't live there myself, but I have a family member who does (and with 4 children from 1-13 years old) and they love it.

It does have a bad reputation though, and is close to a lot of housing trust houses.... but there is heaps of new development going on in the area, so if you can find somewhere in the newer bit you might be ok.

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No, it is one of the roughest suburbs in Adelaide!!!

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Hell No!!! it may be cheap but thats because it is the most crime ridden, drug addled, bogan filled area in the southern suburbs!!! steer clear!!

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No, the area is full of crime and drugs. Steer clear of Huntfield Heights, instead try Christies Beach/Seaford/Noarlunga... these are better areas.

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