What benefits are there to living in Kingaroy in comparison to Brisbane?
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What benefits are there to living in Kingaroy in comparison to Brisbane?

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4 Answers

That hasn't been my experience jaycee777.. I found the people of Kingaroy quite friendly.


Thank you Damian, thats great to hear, sorry if I keep asking questions, have to be sure :D ... How are the facilities up there, I know that there is no Kmart or Hungry Jacks, (that doesn't bother me ) but what about doctors, someone told me that its hard to see a doctor up there?


Kingaroy has its own shopping mall that includes Woolworths, Big W and the Macca's is a modern one. Doctors...mmm...cant really answer that one.


thats ok, I appreciate the time you are taking to answer my questions, have been asking a lot lately and not getting its very much appreciated. Do you live there? If so do you enjoy it more than say Brisbane if you have lived in Brissy?


It has been a couple of years since I was there. Can't really compare living in a country town to a capital city. Brisbane is accessible though so you can get your big city "fix" if you need to.


I have no idea

I'm doing an assignment for kingaroy and i was just wondering what are some issues you have in kingaroy


Kimberly? do u go to Mt Grravatt high?


Well I spelt my name wrong it was suppose to b Dester so yeah and i am doing my assesments on Kingaroy




what places do people connect with in the area???


Do trust council I built a investment property back in 2011 still paying for a house I don't have

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Lived here for over 20years, what used to be a great community minded town has turned into the dumping ground for decimals and some cheats coming out from Brisbane so they don't have to work. Instead they bring their drugs, alcohol, and primal activity with them, turning this once quiet and peaceful down into a slum. Businesses have trouble staying open, more and more locals are moving away to get away from what the town has become. Healthcare and education are almost nonexistatnt. It now become a place you live in fear of being attacked. Not a great place for raising a family, or for the elderly.

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If you like a big back yard, you'll love Kingaroy. The block sizes are much bigger than Brisbane. There are a lot of new houses available at very cheap prices and the rent is very affordable. The hospital has been upgraded and the schools are great. Very good value for $


May I ask if its clicky? Would hate to move somewhere that doesn't accept outsiders.


Really doesnt accept outsiders. Very chicky and toxic a lot of bullying if your not a local (and I mean born in Kingaroy). As for doctors they are booked up months in advance so you wouldnt get in to one. Most likely need to travel to Toowoomba.


What are the liveable issues that happened there?


Kingaroy isnt the greatest. Swickers stinks up the place some nights, its vile. The town water tastes like arse, you cant really drink it. You need a rainwater tank or to buy bottled water to drink. The water is hard, and sometimes you come out of the shower feeling dirtier than when you went in. Rates are extremely expensive. No recycling bins. Neighbours dont seem thrilled with new people coming in and making changes to their property. Cats are a big problem, people just let them roam at large. The roads are in poor condition, always lots of potholes, the guttering is old and poorly maintained.


So is it still worth to move as a Gp in kingaroy. I recently accepted a job offer


I doubt you'll have any shortage of clients as a GP. My mother lives there in a unit complex and her neighbor for a couple of years was a GP who lived in Brisbane and maintained a unit in Kingaroy and lived there during the week. There's two nursing homes. It's no different to any regional rural town, trying to keep doctors.

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Does anyone know any important issues that happened in there??? please help me because I'm doing my assessment on Kingaroy :)

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