McCrae Drive, Camden South, NSW 2570
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Reviews of McCrae Drive, Camden South
"Relatively quiet street in an established neighbourhood"
McCrae Drive has approximately 80 residences in the street. Most homes consist of 3 bedrooms with a select few that are 4 bedrooms. Off McCrae Drive is access to the Ron Dine Memorial Reserve, which is home to the Camden Tigers soccer ground and the South Camden Tennis Club. There is also a fenced park on McCrae drive with play equipment. The local bus service runs along McCrae Drive and services all areas including Camden & Campbelltown. Camden South Primary School is a 10 - 15 minute walk away (depending on what end of McCrae you live) and outer schools are serviced by bus also. McCrae drive is a great street to live in (I am a resident of McCrae Drive) and I have fantastic, down to earth neighbours. We get together each year for a Christmas get together and have done group easter egg hunts together as well. Our family would rather extend and stay here as opposed to leaving the area to find a larger home. I can highly recommend the area as well as the street. For more information about McCrae Drive and Camden South, I am happy to receive calls on 0425 831 177
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