Norton Street
3.5(1 review)

Norton Street, Glebe, NSW 2037

3.5(1 review)

Great for

  • Childcare
  • Eating out
  • Gym and fitness
  • Medical facilities
  • Nightlife

Not great for

  • Resale or rental value
  • Pest-free

Who lives here?

  • Singles

Reviews of Norton Street, Glebe

"Quiet street in daylight, noisy at night"

Norton street runs of Glebe point road it is mainly Housing NSW properties with some private properties near the Glebe point road end.There would be no more than twenty people live here in the street,most people are sick old or both,one lady is blind.There are only about 12 houses and 4 flats in the street.It is very Quiet in the the day and very noisy at night.At about 12 midnight groups of young aboriginal people congregate around Glebe lane and Norton street and make as much noise as they posibbly can.They are not hurting anyone,they are just being young and boisterous.By 4am usually all is quiet again.It is a very nice street to live in.With so many old and sick people in the street the turnover of residents is quick.

Great for

  • Quiet in daylight

Not great for

  • Noisy at night

Who lives here?

  • Singles
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

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