Best suburbs within 45 min commute of Kewdale/Maddington?

We are hoping to move over to Perth in September this year. My husband will be based in Kewdale and i have been offered a job based in maddington or bassendean. We have a young baby (9 months old) so are moving to improve our quality of life...we currently live in a good sized 2 bed place in cheshire (only haven't upgraded due to the move) so would like a bigger house (3-4 bed) but in a really good area where there are good child care facilities and a great lifestyle.
I am veering towards basing myself in maddington (2 days here and 1 day in bassendean) as i think there will be more choice for us south of the city. What do others think? what suburbs are good and which should be avoided? We have looked at write ups on places like Beeliar, atwell, success, canningvale......
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1 Answer

Waikiki, and in particular the Harrington Waters Estate.

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