Why is Port Lincoln not welcoming to out of towners, especially if they choose to become locals?
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Why is Port Lincoln not welcoming to out of towners, especially if they choose to become locals?

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2 Answers

i am not a local as you call it but have lived in lincoln on and of for the pst bout ten years i have found every one i have met to be most welcoming and help full people more than anny other place in australia iv been dont know why you have had anny prob with lincoln its not realy my home but every time i drive down the long hill and in to mortlok tc it like lincoln opens it arms and welcomes me home

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It most possibly is the attitude of the individual. I am from out of town, have lived in Port Lincoln for 6 years, went away for 6 (lived in Adelaide, Sydney and Perth in those years) and have been back living in Port Lincoln for over a year now. I choose to come back as it is a more saner place to live in. I have always been accepted by the community. There are many tourists and foreign visitors coming to Port Lincoln for holidays each year and some end up coming to live here. You either are a city person or a country person.

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