Relocating to Port from Sydney. Good decision?
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Relocating to Port from Sydney. Good decision?

My husband and I are sick of sydney, its busy its expensive and we will never buy a house here. I love port. My husband is a restaurant manager and I would only work part time as we have young kids. Is it hard to find jobs? Nice place to raise a family? Any info to help us with our decision would be much appreciated.
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6 Answers

Tanya, It certainly appears as though you are taking your ire out on Port Macquarie, which is decidedly unfair. Port is a wonderful town full of friendly locals and healthy businesses. It is one of the few regional towns with a very positive economy - exporting far more than it imports - and it is set in the middle of a natural wonderland. Yes, the climate is warm but not too much warmer than Sydney. As an educated young lady, you would have known what to expect and clearly, the region delivered. Port is what it is. It doesn't need to change. Most people love it this way and visitors return, year after year. Those relocating from capital cities (as I did 9 years ago) recognise the need, not for the place to change, but for each of them to re-evaluate their values. Only this way will they find happiness. It appears from your post that you are not yet prepared to embrace what Port has to offer; you have your goal and a firm focus on one particular path. No problem. You are quite entitled to that, but please deal with the causes which influenced your relocation, don't simply sit back and rubbish the destination - that's reminiscent of what used to be called "whinging poms' or what is a current
criticism of ethnic groups who refuse to assimilate. Port Macquarie is a great place to live!


Who said she is rubbishing Port? To me she is asking simple but important questions that other people like us would like to have answered as well, in fact that's why I'm reading stuff here right now as we want to move from Melbourne and need to know all the options so we can find the very best place to go and Port is my first choice so far.

Well it sounds like there are a few of us doing our research and if we do make the move to PM hopefully with a concerted effort (that new comers usually need to make) we will make friends, and make the most of the climate and setting : )

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we moved recently from SYDNEY to Port as well. Finding the best PEACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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I am thinking to move to csu campus for my studies in IT.
Can any one please suggest about the accomodation and the jobs available for the students.
How will be the student life in port Macquarie for international students.
Please help me.


They don't need internationals


More ethnicities would help with all facets of life......especially food!!

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Looking for a home in Port Macquarie, NSW 2444

Lol...i dont fit that description. We are all different

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Sarah/Donna, Did you guys have any answers to your questions by anyone ? Just so you know Im in a similar situation and wanted to move out from Sydney and have been offered a job at PMQ (still to accept). However, not sure if a right place for me to move with wife and 7 year's old son. We are also thinking of a quick visit to get a feel but nothing like getting some feedback from someone living there from a long time.


Hi newf. Everyone is different. It is certainly a quieter lifestyle and certainly a positive if you love the beach

Hi newf, No we didn't. We decided to stay as company offered a job is a smallish company and to top this scarcity of jobs in PMQ was too much of a risk and we thought we'd be better of staying in Sydney only. However, I had been to PMQ before we took a decision and must say its a beautiful place to raise kids and would love to go there provided my other conditions are met. Who knows we may be looking at that option somewhere in future but not at this stage. Hope it helps and goodluck with your move if you decide to. Cheers/Sushil NewF commented: Hi Sushil, are you living in Port Macquarie now? Thanks

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I would love an answer to that question also. We are also from Sydney and struggle with the rate of growth and the cost of living.My sis lives in Dunbogan so feel i know Port pretty well? We have now committed to Port at the end if the year, selling our Sydney home very shortly. I have been feeling so excited and confident in our decision to move but now feeling gutted reading some posts here. I would hate to feel that Ports clique is so strong we may struggle to become part of the community, obtain jobs and our kids not fit in. Now feeling a little disheartened. We are good people and have always experienced kindness and genuine goodness from locals. I hope the negative comments are from a small minority.


Hi, we have just relocated to Port from Brisbane. My husband has arrived before me ( I have yet to see our new house because we bought it whilst overseas!). However, both of you, I am sure you will love Port. We have relatives who moved there from Sydney many years ago, some more recently. All love it and are very involved in the wonderfully friendly local community. I am excited at the prospect of a new adventure. there is a lively vibrant art community amongst other things. A university adds a young dimension too. Be bold. Enjoy. In life, it's far better to regret what you do than what you don't do. By the way, the climate is one of the best in Oz. the scenery too is outstanding.

Hi DonnaFiorenza have you moved to port yet ? Can I ask how you are finding living there so far ? I feel like I could have written your post ! I too worry about a clique community and school thanks

Hi Naomi, I moved from Sydney to Port about 6 years ago . There are pros and cons to moving anywhere. Ok the pros, it's a really pretty town, beautiful beaches, walks etc - mother nature did her best when working on this town. Housing is far far cheaper than Sydney so you will definitely get bang for your dollar real estate wise. The real estate market is definitely on the move. When I first moved here houses for sale could sit on the market for months however now I notice the clearance is more like 1 month. Definitely a sign of a market on the move. Nothing is more than a 10 minute drive away so the days of sitting in traffic is a distant memory. Yes it does get busier during school holidays however I think it adds an extra vibe to the town and realistically tourism is the bread and butter of this town. The schooling system is quite good for a regional town, personally (and please remember this is just my opinion) I believe the private system (Catholic or Anglican) is the best option for schooling. Both Mackillop and St Columba rank in the top 150 schools for NSW (based on ATAR) which is pretty darned good giving that it is zoned as a regional town. Ok the the cons and of course there has to be a flip side - the employment side of things is tight but not impossible. I have always worked since arriving in Port, not necessarily in my preferred area however I took anything I could get until I finally found the job I wanted. That process probably took 2 years. I think if you come with an open mind work wise, you will eventually find a role that you will enjoy. Somebody commented in one of the trails, that it's not what you know, it's who you know. That might be the case for some but I have never found that personally. Social life is definitely on the dull side, there are plenty of restaurant options however can be pricey. We have some of the most beautiful coastal areas however very few business' are located near this prime area. I believe this will change as the town grows. I'm definitely beyond the point of nightclubbing but if that is your gig, forget it - very little night life here - pretty much the town CBD shuts down by 9pm at the weekend . Not a great deal to do for teenagers here and there is limited work for them when they do finish school, for the most part, most young people leave town when they finish school or head off to uni. Charles Sturt Uni has established a base in Port, also UNSW Medical faculty is also in Port so slowly this area is becoming an education town as opposed to the 'blue rinse retirement zone' - with the growth of the tertiary side, this will definitely impact on the towns dynamic (for the better). Is the town clicky, yes it can, be but probably no more so than anywhere else - it really is up to the individual to put themselves out there and make an effort. Shopping is painfully bad and you have to go to the cities to have an indulgent day. Grocery shopping is probably the same as the city and in some cases more expensive and petrol is definitely pricier here (by about 20 cents a litre). Would I recommend somebody moving to Port Macquarie, I would say yes if you have young children and if you love the beach/parks etc, want to live in a place with a sense of community. I would say no to someone moving up with teenage children (unless they're mad surfers) and no if you like a lifestyle that includes choice for restaurants, entertainment and nightlife.


Hi Naomi01. We moved to Lake Cathie in January 16 and have no regrets. I found a job in Port Macquarie and love it. The people have been so friendly and welcoming. My kids love the little school and have never wanted to move back to Sydney. It does get cold in winter (just like Sydney) but not complaining ;)


That's a real risk whether you're in Melbourne or Sydney too.......what are your priorities? Then make of it what you can


Port is not for everyone. I have an uncle that retired there a few years ago from Melbourne, but is probably going to move back home. That happens with people from Sydney and Melbourne. Still Port has a lot more going for it than many of the smaller towns on the North Coast, shopping and facility-wise, and probably not as insular or parochial.

Well it sounds like there are a few of us doing our research and if we do make the move to PM hopefully with a concerted effort (that new comers usually need to make) we will make friends, and make the most of the climate and setting : ) and having family will make a huge difference, no doubt


Tanya you sound like you need professional help.

Tanya, you sound like an angry bitter person with a chip on your shoulder about life. I wouldnt hire someone with the toxic energy you must have seething out of you, so that might be your issue in finding work.

Hi I have a family of 5 we have been offered an opportunity to move to PM through business ( so work is not an issue) we are in Tasmania in a beach side town atm. My girls are 10,9 and 4 acurrentky in a private school here. My eldest is a state level runner especially distance and is in a state development program for basketball. My other two are mire creative and dance. My question is, are there opportunity for my eldest to continue her sports( also a high academic achiever) what are the schools, shopping(available) and house areas to suit a family ( not too expensive til we settle in of course) Any info would be great as we have a chance to fly in and out for awhile so knowing which areas too look will be very helpful Thanks

rhiannonp - I would recommend St Columba Anglican School. It does very well with high level sport, academic, dance, drama, music & choir. Reasonably priced family homes in walking distance of school too. Good luck. K

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