Is Redbank Plains a good area? Not flood prone etc?
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Is Redbank Plains a good area? Not flood prone etc?

We are looking at purchasing and building out here near hallets/school st, is this a good area? Not flood prone etc? Any advice would be fantastic! Thank you! :)
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4 Answers

We live near Redbank Plains Road. Look for Black soil as well.

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Before I purchased my home in Kennedy Drive I contacted the council to make sure that it was safe from floods and they assured me that it is flood free as most of Redbank Plains is flood free.

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Redbank Plains is not what you would call a flood prone area due to the average height above sea level being approx 25+M, however there are some overland flow paths that may be prone to flash flooding. For the most accurate result please view the flood maps available on the Ipswich City Council web site (

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Looking for a home in Redbank Plains, QLD 4301

This is not flood prone area. I live at Henty drive for almost 2 years, no flooding happened because the drainage is I think, well maintained. Good area, especially at Argyle St. because there is Mc Donalds (24 hours open), beside it, the Life Style gym (24 hours open), Food works (until 9pm open) Redbank Plains Village (with Australian post in it, Medical Centre, Woolworths, Eagleboys,dental, parlor, spa, pharmacy, Asian Restaurant, bakery, 7eleven, gasoline station, news agency, bus stops, public schools. Argyle St. is the place to live in because everything is only a couple of blocks away.

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