Is there a need - A Readymade Market in Redcliffe for my kind of Business?
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Is there a need - A Readymade Market in Redcliffe for my kind of Business?

Honest Opinions Appreciated: Would Redcliffe utilize these Cleaning Services if I relocated to live here? Or us this Service already well catered for here? I'll be subcontracting jobs!
Wanting to relocate my life to live and to launch a Cleaning Business in Redcliffe and would Welcome honest opinions if you think there's a Market for use by resident for all forms of Cleaning Services: Laundry, Ovens, Windows, Carpets, Upholstery, Home Exterior, Driveways & Pattio-Terraces, Pool, Gutters, Chimneys, Pets, Cars, New Builds, Move Outs, Yard Cleans, After Part Cleans etc... You name it; so long as it needs a / to be cleaned my Company will Oblige you with a Yes! Hubby will be needing to Commute via Train into Brisbane for for his Work. We'd be visiting SC friends who'd also be likely to visit us too!
I'm in search of a Seaside or a Riverside Town that's Warm, Welcoming and Friendly yet also with a strong Community Spirit. Other areas I'm thinking of are:
Hamilton Reach - was my 1st option
Manly QLD 4179,
Margate QLD 4019,
Newstead QLD 4006,
Wynnum QLD 4178. OR ?
Or ? Somewhere I've not yet thought of living that my business would flourish in too?
Where ever we relocate to; will need to be a special place as it's to become our forever place - where we will set down our permanent roots after years living a transit lifestyle!
Thanks in Advance for your thoughts, recommendations, hints and tips etc.
we are active Middle Aged a Empty Nesters who enjoy becoming part of the local Community through actively volunteering of our time. Appreciate your honesty!
The opinions expressed here are those of the individual and not those of
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