What parts of Rockhampton should be avoided due to flooding?
The question is, should you avoid? Look at all the flooding we just had all around Australia. The very affluent suburbs of Brisbane and million dollar river front properties on the Brisbane River. People still want to live on the river and in flood prone areas regardless. Look instead at what you think will be a capital growth. Good rental areas like Koongal to house the meat works employees or inner city and water front where prices are always higher in all towns as they evolve as Rocky is slowly doing.
The smartbuy person sounds like a real estate agent...
We did our research before moving to Rocky, because as Mr smartbuy ignorantly looks over, nobody likes to have their home flooded out...And comparing Rocky to Brisbane is quite frankly, stupid...
We found the council flooding plan maps very helpful and they're up to date. Put simply, if a large scale flooding event were to occur, Depot Hill, the lower parts of Wandal, Koongal, Park Avenue and and Kawana would all be affected.
That said honestly, I'll say this honestly too... Rocky is a great regional centre and we really enjoy it here... good luck!