4.4(1 review)

Tuerong, VIC 3915

4.4(1 review)

Great for

  • Clean & green
  • Neighbourly spirit
  • Parks and recreation
  • Public transport
  • Safe and sound

Not great for

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  • Singles

Reviews of Tuerong, VIC

"Tuerong is a stunning scenic suburb with Nature Reserve, Lake and Golf Course"

Tuerong is incredibly underrated with its Red Hill like scenic roads and semi-rural appeal. The Devilbend Nature Reserve and Lake offers a perfect destination for stand up paddle boarding or a swim. Otherwise it is a perfect to watch sunsets over the glistening water and is particularly tranquil. The suburb offers grand blocks of land with picturesque houses. The Tuerong Golf Course is also a popular attraction. The many pine trees also add to the appeal of this inland peninsula suburb.

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  • Singles
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