Amanda Turner

Hi there, I’m Amanda Turner

Buyers Agent & Property Management - Opulence Property QLD
15 Reviews

Reviews of Amanda Turner

Overall Rating
15 Reviews
Negotiation skills
Customer service
Quality of work
Process expertise
Mark Coorey
Mark Coorey

"The go to Agent"

I couldn't be happier with an property manager, personal service and takes care of issues that other agents will not touch, always contactable she is defiantly the best agent i have used in more that 15 years.

Ryan Baddock
Ryan Baddock


Amanda is a truly client focused professional. She is focused on taking direct action and building strategies that best suit the needs of her clients. She has delivered exceptional results for those we have referral and is will to go the extra mile to make sure all expectations are exceeded. We have no hesitation in recommending Amanda to our clients to assist with property management and buyers agency services.

Elle Dixon
Elle Dixon


Professional & educational. Provides a superior level of care and support unknown in the industry.

Andrea Madden
Andrea Madden


Amanda's level of detail and professionalism is outstanding. I wish we'd found Amanda before buying our other properties, it would have made the process far more rewarding and we would have been more comfortable with our choices. Amanda is very thorough with her research and we feel like she always has our intentions in mind.

Elizabeth Vella
Elizabeth Vella


Amanda recently assisted me with renting my unit. She conducted herself in a professional manner and was diligent throughout the process. Amanda's communication is second to none and was (and still is) always available to assist with any questions. I could not be more impressed with Amanda's services, her genuine approach and extensive knowledge that she holds in the industry. I have no hesitation in recommending her services to anyone that is looking for a true property manager to manage their greatest asset.

Joanne Cain
Joanne Cain


Amanda has been a pleasure to work with and was very accommodating with her time when we leased our place out in Toowoomba.

Brendan Marshall
Brendan Marshall


Amanda has previously managed a property of mine in the Brisbane city area. I highly recommend her to anyone wanting a professional manager that takes care of any needs both owner and tenant. Was very easy to deal with and never had any complaints from me about her output.

Helen Dunne
Helen Dunne


It was such a refreshing surprise to have come across Amanda's business, referred by Ecology Real Estate. My experience with Real Estate agents has not been a positive one due to their disinterest, deception and lack of professionalism. Having employed Amanda to find a tenant for my unit I was impressed and happy to have had someone speak naturally, back up what she says, listen without trying to rush me off the phone, show due respect, professionalism and care to myself and others. Amanda's fees are very reasonable. We need more people like Amanda in business because we're all tired of being ripped off. Power to your business Amanda and thanks for doing such a great job.

Libby Ruddiman-Mclaughlin
Libby Ruddiman-Mclaughlin


Amanda treats every client with the utmost respect and acute attention to detail, is given, to ensure satisfaction. I highly recommend her to take care of your real-estate.

Heather Smith
Heather Smith


Amanda has recently taken over the management of our property and we couldnt of been happier with how she has handled everything. Its the attention to detail that makes the difference.

About Amanda Turner

Amanda Turner is a Buyers Agent & Property Management - Opulence Property QLD. To get in touch, click below:

Neighbourhood questions answered by Amanda Turner

1 Answers
Amanda Turner
Amanda Turner

“what are the pros and cons on living in toowoomba”


Suburbs and streets reviewed by Amanda Turner

2 Reviews
Amanda Turner
Amanda Turner

Coventry Street, Hawthorne, QLD


A Street that holds many memories

Coventry Street is one of the Streets of Hawthorne that has an incredible timeline. If you look closely you can see the changes of the eras as time has gone on since the Suburb was built out Like Hawthorne, the street itself is friendly, …

Amanda Turner
Amanda Turner

Hawthorne, QLD


A Leafy Suburban Community

Hawthorne has a beautiful melt of old and new charm meeting beautifully throughout the suburb. You can spot the original areas, the newer spots and where existing have been remodelled to keep their beautiful charm, leafy aspects but modern…


Amanda Turner
Amanda Turner

Amanda Turner

Answered a question:
what are the pros and cons on living in toowoomba
Amanda Turner
Amanda Turner

Amanda Turner

Client review from Mark Coorey:
The go to Agent
I couldn't be happier with an property manager, personal service and takes care of issues that other agents will not touch, always contactable she is …
Amanda Turner
Amanda Turner

Amanda Turner

Reviewed Coventry Street, Hawthorne, QLD:

A Street that holds many memories

Coventry Street is one of the Streets of Hawthorne that has an incredible timeline. If you look closely you can see the changes of the eras as time has gone on since the Suburb was built out Like Hawthorne, the street itself is friendly, …

Amanda Turner
Amanda Turner

Amanda Turner

Reviewed Hawthorne, QLD:

A Leafy Suburban Community

Hawthorne has a beautiful melt of old and new charm meeting beautifully throughout the suburb. You can spot the original areas, the newer spots and where existing have been remodelled to keep their beautiful charm, leafy aspects but modern…

Contact Amanda Turner

Get in touch with Amanda Turner using the details below, or send a direct message by filling in the contact form:

Amanda Turner

Amanda TurnerBuyers Agent & Property Management - Opulence Property QLD
