Cobblestone Place
2.6(1 review)

Cobblestone Place, Werrington Downs, NSW 2747

2.6(1 review)

Great for

  • Childcare
  • Schools
  • Internet access
  • Public transport
  • Clean & green

Not great for

  • Nightlife
  • Eating out
  • Medical facilities
  • Pest-free
  • Shopping options

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families With Kids

Reviews of Cobblestone Place, Werrington Downs

"Good Place for a young family to start out"

Our street is narrow if there are cars parked down the curbs. The nighbours either side of us are lovely, haven't got to know the others yet. Everyone seems to help eadh other when they ask and everyone is quite tollerant of each other. there are alot of animals on this street, the animals seem to be friendly and like to visit other neighbours. the children are often out on their front lawns or down at each others lawns. my fiance and i are really enjoying living in Cobblestone Place.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
Kristy Syaranamual real estate agent
Kristy Syaranamual

I agree Carmel, I used to live there 2 years ago and we made life long friends who were our neighbours whilst here. The children are lovely, and were always out the front with us and neighbours etc.


It is such a beautiful street, the neighbours are friendly and everyone is always so nice. Happy living here. And the park at the end of the street is a great place to walk our dogs.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

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