When is the NBN coming to Fitzgibbon?
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When is the NBN coming to Fitzgibbon?

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I live in Fitzgibbon and I spoke to the guys today as they connected my premises up and they said I should be able to connect in the coming days... Still waiting for a response from the Nbnco as I haven't received any notice indicating I can now connect?


Interested to see how it goes with telstra velocity already fitted out. Looking forward to some internet competition...


My friends in Fitz chase are having nightmares on their velocity and informed him that the area should be ready for service by 17th of April 2015 as expected by NBN Co.

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Telstra's contractors are repairing the pits and ducts for NBN Co's fibre hauling. During this build, NBN Co contractors haul fibre into the pits and ducts. NBN Co issued a work order to its contractors to commence the build process. It was noted that the expected ready for service date will be on the 4Q-2015.


I've spoke to a contractor today who was sitting a box in the street with his laptop doing his part. He said that the of ramming is all done, the cabling has been laid as I have spoken to guys who were laying the cable. They were in the pit in my street. The contractor said it could be sooner rather than later. I'd doubt Q4-2015 will the date.


Hope it will be sooner. If I have any updates I'll post in this thread. I'll monitor Fitzgibbon for NBN.


Are you a NBNCO contractor or a employee? Or a resident of Fitzgibbon ?

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The NBN is NOT part of the fitzgibbon estate. I have been here for almost 3 years and i can tell you its NOT. The NBN however HAS started to lay down cables within the estate, however i have two things. 1. The NBN will be installed. 2. The NBN wont be connected to new houses within the Estate due to Telstra already having FTP connections to every new house. This was actually sent to me in a letter from Luke Howarth MP. So i am waiting a response from NBN CO.

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Thanks to the new gov policy no more development of NBN in Fitzgibbon


What do you mean by this ?? ??? Explain further please. Shows that the NBN will be ready in October 2015 ........ ?

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The fitzgibbon chase estate has telstra(?) fibre but is not part is nbn (yet). This means you do not have access to the cheaper nbn plans but instead get more expensive services resold through telstra.

For instance with internode you go on the reach fibre plans instead of nbn.

Hopefully the infrastructure is bought by nbnco soon and we get the cheaper plans.

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I lived there in a house connected to NBN, so did all my neighbours....


NO chance you had the nBN mate.

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Is this confirmed? Email response to my query from NBN said Fitzgibbon Chase is not an NBN partner.

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The NBN is already in Fitzgibbon, it is part of the new Fitzgibbon Chase estate, if you need to have it added to an older home you need to call Telstra and pay for a technician to come out and connect you.

I hope this helps.


WRONG..... Fitzgibbon Chase is fitted with Telstra VELOCITY. NOT NBN and it is NOT a Telstra Smart Community.

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