Are the midgies are really bad in Jubilee Pocket?
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Are the midgies are really bad in Jubilee Pocket?

Just recently i was also told that the march flies are really thick. How long are they around for?
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4 Answers

Yes they are pretty bad and so its TV and mobile reception.

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Yep that area is well known for midges. None here in Proserpine though :)


Very true.

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Hi Eddie, every summer for a couple of weeks after the first rain arrives the marsh flies are bad but they go away pretty quickly.
There are midgies in jubilee as it is closer to the bush and mangroves than most parts of cannonvale.
Overall Jubilee is a great spot to live as its a bit quieter than Airlie and Cannonvale.


Actually it's an awesome spot to live. We have views of the sea, the mountains and the town. Great view at night too. Plenty of amenities incl shops and a pub. I'm watching a yacht race as I write this. We have no probs with mobile reception or internet. We only ever watch steaming tv because we can.

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Hi Eddie83,

I have lived in the area for 8 years and have never experienced march flies like this before. I think it is a bit of a freak occurrence. I know they were pretty bad for the last week... but they have certainly dropped off around my house since yesterday.

As for midgies... some parts of Jubilee Pocket can get them... as can some areas of Cannonvale, Airlie Beach and surrounding suburbs. There are lots of things you can do to reduce the number of them around your home.

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