Considering moving to Ouyen
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Considering moving to Ouyen

my fiancee and I are considering moving to county Victoria, i am just wondering if you believe that Ouyen would be a good idea for a young family who is looking for country spirit but with some local resources. like supermarket, bank, bakery, butcher ,Kinder and primary school. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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1 Answer

Hello, TaraB there is a FoodWorks in the main street but not a large supermarket option like a Coles/Woolworths.
I didn't attend school in Ouyen so I cannot comment on the quality of teaching but these services exist.
I grew up closer to Mildura so are more familiar with that area.
There are 3 main banking options Bendigo Bank, ANZ and NAB
There is a bakery, in fact, Ouyen was the original home of the Vanilla Slice Competition but it has since left the town.
Not a huge range of butchers, only one I believe. I think most people in the area have access to direct farm meat.

You will get the essential services in the area but you will find it difficult to get specific items, most Ouyen people travel to Mildura for these purchases. Do you know people in the area? I think it would be hard place to move if you don't know anyone.

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