Building restrictions
18 Answers
It is a sandfly and mosquitoe mecca in the warm months believe me I live here.
I have built a house here and dealing with Redland Council is a nightmare. The restrictions add tens of thousands of dollars to your build. Considering how little the council does for the islands what they do and don't allow will frustrate you endlessly. Good luck!
I just finished a brand new 3 storey home on Russell and found the council reasonable to deal with. Each block is unique, and the issues can vary from steep slopes, severe fire overlays and koala protection overlays. Every block needs a sewer system and the size of the block will have an impact on the resultant amount of bedrooms you can have. But other than that you can do an Annex Unit or im the old language a Granny Flat. Now is the best time to buy a block as they won't stay this cheap as things are starting to heat up with the 2nd round of interest rate drops. I'm a designer Builder and find the council keen to see the Island grow.
This parcel of land is in an area identified as a Koala Habitat and as such will require the owner to show how their development will not affect the Koalas habitat, and if it does what mitigating measures will be taken to offset the impact. With one development, I had to illustrate Koala friendly fencing so Koala would be able to pass through, Koala proof fencing in part of the yard to keep a dog from mauling said Koalas, and planting offset Koala vegetation to replace that which was removed for the building are just some of the solutions for this particular overlay. However, to know exactly what needs to be done, would be better answered by first a Certifier, then if an MCU is needed a Townplanner. Hope that helps.
Does anyone know anything about building height restrictions? A couple of residents tell me that there's a one-storey restriction on the south end of the island on certain hilltop blocks overlooking the water, with the aim of preserving the views of the blocks on the opposite side of the road, however when I queried this with Redland Council they said this wasn't the case. This in turn raised the question of why all of the houses on this particular stretch, (with the exception of one), are one storey and seem to have been built according to a height restriction, as per what residents in the area say. I'm confused and not convinced the woman in the planning dept of the council has properly assessed my query.
Ask the council planning department for the answer to your question in writing. Most houses have only been build single story due to owners limited funds financing the build rather than any height restrictions. I have seen up to 3 story houses built on Russell island with amazing rooftop viewing platforms with 360 degree views over Moreton bay.
markw20's answers are sensible, only thing to add, is it may not just be the size of the block as to what sized house you are allowed to build, but the quality of the dirt also, e.g you may have a larger block but still only be allowed to build a one or two bedroom home. Get a soil test/report BEFORE buying. See you soon
Size of island block does not determine how many bedrooms a house can have. According to Redland City Council it is the wastewater septic treatment maximum size for the allotment that affects how many bedrooms can be build. Contact Queensland Project Builders who have display homes on Russell Island to give you a quote for house and land packages, or custom plan builds on Russell Island. Website
Greetings markw20 et al. These building restrictions/requirements imposed by Redlands Council that you allude to based on a FALSE pretence that there are koalas living on Russell Island are utterly ludicrous. It has been common knowledge in zoology/scientific circles for decades that no koalas have resided on Russell Island for at least 100 years, and that it is quite possible that NO koalas have ever live on Russell Island. The Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science will confirm this to anyone who asks, as will the good people at [email protected] , and the learned and helpful people at Bay Islands Conservation Inc.. Thus, it is simply bizarre that Redlands Council seems to have gotten away with (if reports such as those above and elsewhere are correct) wasting hundreds of thousands (millions?) of dollars of owner-builders/developers/(etc). money by pretending that there are koalas living on the island, for decades. Redlands Council is apparently willing to be quite blatant about perpetuating this fallacy too. Have a look at this Redlands Council website, and note the (GENERIC/internet-filched) pic of a large koala framed front-and-centre on that website: . Perhaps someone (a builder/developer maybe?) can tell me, what would Redlands Council possibly be gaining from perpetuating this BS for decades in blatant defiance of the truth? Does Redlands Council somehow turn a profit from having these erroneous koala habitat overlays broadly applied over the majority of areas on Russell Island, despite the fact that no koalas have lived on Russell Island for at least 100 years, if ever? How so?
I can help anyone with building affordable homes on Russell Island. We deliver and project manage Timber cottages and deal with all the council regulations, tradies, trees, slopes, certifiers, paint, etc. They are very affordable which means you can get great returns as well as make a nice profit or live in them comfortably. You can contact me at [email protected] We have just completed a build Sept. 2023 an have 2 more on the go as we speak.
Try to Google search for QLD Project Builders or Wilson Design and Build. These 2 companies are expert builders on Russell Island. They will answer your queries.
Hi markw20
Raj here, I have a block on Russell Island and want some information about building on it etc. if you you can help me finding information to plan for building in near future
[email protected]
I am an experienced Builder and will soon be commencing business on Russell Island.
Why so much negativity ?
I welcome working with ALL Clients to deliver high quality family homes that are suited to either Owner Occupiers or as Rental Properties.
I provide beautiful Proven Designs that are also able to be slightly modified to suit each Clients unique requirements.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Warmest regards,
Roger Croome.
M: 0472680449
E: [email protected]
Lots of mossies and a small local residential area. Surrounded by water and you can make it whatever you like. It has loads of potential.
I have know about Russell's island Q.L .D for a very long time this place is so beautiful and a very well keeped secret I know about Russell's for over 30 years it's so beautiful it's so cheap and in is a island in between Brisbane and the gold coast where more in a Australian would you want to live
My name is David and I can help you with building on Russell Island email me at [email protected]
Highly recommend contacting Queensland Project Builders They are offering affordable house and land packages on Russell Island and Iv seen their display home over there. Top notch.
Russell Island directory has all the trades listed here
All construction to be legal needs Redland City Council approval. Good luck and enjoy
Markw20 was it you who said you would help to do a soil test and give a general lay of the land ?
Hi Trev, not exactly, I do a one time free evaluation report on your block which shows what infrastructure is available and the overlays which gives you an idea of what sort of hoops you need to jump through to get a Building Approval. Making sure there's power and water and overlays range from steep slopes, waterways and bushfire.
My name is David and I can help you with building on Russell Island email me at [email protected]
With regard to all the complaints about the lack of sealed roads, power, water, drainage, etc etc....I was a land surveyor 30 years ago; and can tell you that the majority of costs that land developers incur, and pass on in the cost of individual building blocks, is not the cost of the bare land, but the cost of providing all of those in-built services. About $150,000 per block, or more (check costings with any mainland council that still has land being developed).
So, if you are buying an undeveloped block, don't blame the present council. The council of 40 years ago, maybe....perhaps they shouldn't have let the blocks be sold without all the amenities; but you are now paying for what you get.
I would like to here from you please.
I considering to buy on Russell Island or Mackay Island.
I understand they are both under the same council.
I have so many questions about buying and building there , some real estate agents are helpful some are not.
You mentioned your a builder and you are obviously a straight forward person that says how it is
That is something I like about people when Im looking to spend money into a area.
Ill be honest I live in rural coastal South Australia but never been to QLD.
So I really dont know what to expect.
A few reasons so far Russell island is appealing to me,
1) fishing
2) cheap to buy
3) seems to be a quiet relaxed location
4) wild life
However I m some what confused on mixed messages Im receiving from other that have blocks on the islands and the councils deal.
It would be very greatful to hear from the island licenced Builders to guid me throughout the whole process of need to know before I go for it process.
Some who has been there and knows the process because they have achieved it themselves.
I know this is a open forum but I scan my emails
May you please contact me markw20
expressodecafe@mail. com
My name is David and I can help you with building on Russell Island email me at [email protected]
If you are looking to build QLD Project Builders have a display home on Russell island worth checking out qldpb com next time you visit.
They also have house and land packages
QLD Project Builders have a display home on Russell Island. Highly recommended.
Visit them at qldpb . com
Rebel against this council they take far to much rates for small blocks
seynett there is no time limit to build, however be aware that soil inspection reports (which you have to pay for) do have a limited life before you will need to get another one done. Havn't see too many sandflies however the mossies will carry you away if you don't weight yourself down - even in the centre of the island not just at the waters edge. They seem bigger than mossies on the mainland somehow, and are also active during the day which is also different from the mainland. Just one of the downsides living on a mangrove and mud island.
I have been looking into buying there as well however I have the benefit of being here, there is no building restrictions as far as time goes and you can build what ever you want in accordance with standard QLD building laws. I didnt come across many sand flies and I have been there in the summer, there werer a few mossies just near dark but no more than any other waterfront area of QLD.
Hi Fredj2, I'm a Builder, what would you like to know specifically. If you have a block of land, I offer a free land evaluation report. It will give you a report on the infrastructure available, the overlays applicable and the aprox size of house you can build allowing for an onsite sewerage system. Once you have been given a BA, Building Approval it has a life span of 2 years, but can be extended for an additional fee.
Mark W20, Hi Craig here I'm currently looking at an option to rent to buy a block which has a bus and van on it already. I'm not allowed to live in these unless I am building a house myself is that the case? I was hoping with help from friends and family to build myself but my back is gone and I am 45 and unfit due to the injury. It would be a dream come true if I could make this happen, it has a power pole and been surveyed, I'm just a battler and looking for any advice I can get on what constitutes a liveable dwelling on Russell Island. Regards Craig
Unfortunately you can not build whatever you want on Russell Island. If you just go by the QLD building Laws you will be sadly mistaken when you come to plan submission with RCC. Each Council has over riding laws and in the case of the Moreton Bay Southern Islands governed by Redlands Council they have other regulations you should be aware of. As for Koala this is an interesting issue it is known that the last sighting of Koala was over 40 years ago. So why are we paying fees? The size of land does not determine the size of house you are able to build. The size of house including number of bedrooms/WC and more importantly the number of people able to inhabit your house on a full time basis is determined on the soil test and therefore what septic system and size of run off is required. Our 500m2 block can only have a 1bed 1bath 2 people living in the premises. The septic run off is over 60m2 then you need to take in the allowances from boundary, house, driveways or and other structures it takes up a lot of your land. Then it comes to the size of house you can build. The cost for AES Eco system is $7k to install by licensed plumber and $4.5k for unit. Do not talk to RCC about Green Toilets, it is not in their vocabulary. So we can only build a 1 x1 great, so tiny house is an option thats a great option for us as a retired couple ... until you see councils laws about building under 60m2 and the extra fees and then the chance of being held accountable for a bond up to 120% of your total build being held by council until your build is completed and aesthetically approved. You can build a shed after you have building approval and this is to be used as storage for materials etc ... not for living. You can apply for living in a caravan on site whilst building etc ... but there are many hoops to jump through on this one and you have 12 months only. You can not clear your property until building approval DA is completed. This means anything over the diameter of 15cm is to be left. Once you have building approval you can then apply for water and electricity to be connected. Now heres another whammy ... if the water and power are not on your side of the road make sure you budget for $ we know of a resident (new) charged $6700 for water connection to the block, the average is $1800. Put your own power pole in at legal height just inside your boundary and if the power is on your side of road it should be free. You then pay for your electrician to connect to the dwelling. Hope this helps a few of you to know the hidden costs of building on the islands. There is of course many more transport, lack of available trades when required ... please go in with your eyes open, dont let your dream become a nightmare
Re the above statement: 'As for Koala this is an interesting issue it is known that the last sighting of Koala was over 40 years ago' ... that is incorrect. I m reliably informed by various government entities, a Russell Island conservation group, and informed Russell Island residents that there is NO official record of any koalas EVER residing on Russell Island. Apparently the island has simply not had the appropriate type/number of old-growth food-source trees to support koalas, for at least 100 years. Any pretense by Redland Council that there are any koalas on Russell Island is absolute rubbish, and if they (or their 'developer associates') are making money out of perpetuating this utter BS, then it is nothing short of a blatantly fraudulent scam.
So why then are there Koala Protection Zoned areas on the Island. You can go on to PD online and see that areas are subject to this. One block of land we were interested in was in a complete conservation zone for koala. This meant that certain trees would need to be maintained, however this would not be known to us until we put in Building approval. How could you confidently buy with not knowing what trees were to be kept. Obviously we did not purchase.
You may need approval from Redland City Council to establish or occupy a temporary home if you intend to live in it temporarily. You can apply for approval under Councils Subordinate Local Law No. 1.3 (Establishment or Occupation of a Temporary Home) 2015. References:
Hi Mark W20...I would like to build a 1 room shop front with a lounge kitchenette and 2 bedroom addition at the back for living. What hurdles do I have to jump to build a shop front. Can I build anywhere in the north part of the island or are you only allowed to build in certain areas. I am aware I will have to have adjoining toilets to the shop and a storage area. Maybe parking?
My name is David and I can help you with building on Russell Island email me at [email protected]
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Hi James, I just recently bought a block of land also. Planning to build later on. You mentioned that dealing with the Redland Council was a nightmare due to various restrictions. Can you elaborate and share what kind of restrictions you're referring to and what you've personally experienced. I think you sharing your personal story will help a lot of people who wants to have a clearer idea of what to expect when they decide to build. Thanks, Mike