Are there any nice swimming beaches on Russell Island?
14 answers21 following

Are there any nice swimming beaches on Russell Island?

Looking at buying either Russell or Macleay Island, wanting to know if any nice swimming beaches, also does the same ferry run to both islands if so do you have to wait around long,are the midgies very bad?
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14 Answers

Stradbokes beautiful beaches are 10 minutes away via boat, otherwise the only good spot would be the local swimming pool!

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I follow this instagram site, and it has lots of images of Russell Island There are beaches at Sandy point and next to High st Jetty (This beach will be possibly relocated as part of the Russell Island Ferry Terminal upgrade by State government now underway)

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Australians are a hard mob to please! Obviously most people commenting here have not traveled far in their life to see how 'the real world' lives out there. The Bay Islands are bloody beautiful. Great fishing, friendly locals, are the shops you need. There's a ton of hidden beaches scattered all around the islands, so put down ya soy late and piss Bondi off, because the Bay Islands are the next big thing.


You sound sensible... Just bought a block in Warrie road... Look forward to exploring


Welcome Raelene, may it be all you were hoping for :)

I certainly hope they are the 'next big thing' simonm18. Unfortunately though, it seems that Redland Council is intent on doing everything within their power to ensure that they are not ... for reasons that simply cannot be fathomed. On Russell Island they charge upwards of $1500 rates per year for vacant blocks worth < $20k. To the best of my knowledge (and logic dictates) all other Australian councils charge rates based on what a property is ACTUALLY/CURRENTLY worth, not what it 'COULD' be worth IF it was developed/built on ... right? How does Redland Council get away with running this extortionate rates scam on the owners of vacant blocks on Russell Island? Then there's Redland Council's bizarre pretense (for decades) that there are koalas living on Russell Island, and associated costs/charges re adherences to 'koala overlay/habitat' building codes, when in fact no koalas have lived on Russell Island for at least 100 years, if ever. These are just two examples that can be easily verified in a few seconds by searching 'Russell Island land rates' and 'Redland Council koala Red-E-Maps' . Current and prospective residents tell me of numerous other ways in which Redland Council makes any and all forms of what should be simple/minor procedural developments on Russell Island utterly unnecessarily complicated (and ultimately unduly expensive and time-consuming), for no logical reason. I believe that if these things continue, Redland will be the next in a growing number of local councils to be 'sacked en masse'/completely replaced, following a united community revolt.


"There's a ton of hidden beaches scattered all around the islands"....yeah they suck though and aint very nice

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dodgy uber!!

Erm ... hang on Shannon (which was always a girl's name back in my day), aint YOU the dude with the gangster goggles and the drifter goatie? Dodgy as, hombre ...

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Most posts are from people who have never seen the whole island..
Russell island public beaches are located here:
Sandy Beach
56 The Blvd, Russell Island QLD 4184

Millseys Beach
Russell Island QLD 4184

High Street Park Beach
High Street Park, 1 High St, Russell Island QLD 4184
Keep up with local news and what is happening on Russell Island with this online magazine

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Russell Island is booming on the Brisbane Bayside. Checkout these amazing news items

The Great Day Out

"Buy land for the price of a holiday:

"Four islands in southern Moreton Bay set to receive ferry terminal upgrades in government deal"

7 News Brisbane

Brisbane Property Investor

"It is cheaper to buy than rent in this south east Queensland island paradise"

Get Inspired at

And from last year "Best bargain suburbs for buyers in 2018"

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There are NO beaches apart from a very small man made one (with nets) right next to the ferry ramp. I wouldn't call it "nice" as the benches behind the beach often get filled up with undesirables and their alcohol sessions. Yep - there are lots of midges/mossies as the island is surrounded by mangroves/mud.

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lack of decent swimming areas and NO beaches except the man-made one at jetty terminal

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The ferries go every half hour with one direct to Russell and the next direct to Macleay, they are very fast big boats and its always calm, the mossies are the same as any island or waterfront land in QLD worse than the city but better than low swampy freshwater areas.

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There is a nice BBQ area right near where you get off the water ferry and it has a sandy swiming enclosure there in front so no jelly fish, there is other beaches on the island as well as parks and BBQ areas

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Why are people so negative about the islands, if you don't like here, then, don't come here/stay here, maybe you have never been here, just joining the band wagon. Let me know where you live and I will get on here and run it down also. Just go away, leave us alone and leave us to living on what WE think is paradise. My mother would always say, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" If we were all the same the world would be bloody boring!


Hi i read so many bad things about russell island and some good things my hubby and i just did a contract on a house in fern terrice and i absolutely loved it when i was there looking around but im a bit nervouse now as iv been reading some bad things home invasions break ins they turn ur power off and break in if ur home or not we are in our late 50s so its a bit scary oh and lots of drug addicts and violence im now really uncertain thinking we should back out while we still can

That all sounds like rubbish to me demis1 ... where did you here it?


I am shocked at some of the comments. I am looking to move to RUSSELL in the near future but the comments are awful.a d off putting

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What are the beaches like in the islands? All four.

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there is a reason why amity point in the movie 'jaws' was named after amity point, stradbroke island. can't remember why, but i think it had something to do with sharks. and the last girl to get taken at amity point (stradbroke island), in waist deep water, was about 5 years ago. russel is only a fin drop away.


Amity was a fictional American seaside town (not Amity Point Australia) The movie was shot at American seaside town of Marthas Vinyard USA. The Shark attack occurred in Jan 2006 at Amity Point Stradbroke Is.

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No nice beaches at all. The muddy ones around the south end are badly polluted from the Logan River sewerage treatment plant and yes they are midgee havens, don't believe the real estate agents spin


This post is a prime example of why ALL UNDATED/unaccountable posts on this entire website should be DELETED by the peeps running this website. It is simply utter BS.


Yes. It's all really off putting to read especially where I was planning to move to RUSSELL. I have not read one nice thing about it here

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