What are the high schools like on Russell Island?
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What are the high schools like on Russell Island?

Im thinking of moving to Russell Island. I see there is a school there for my 3 boys but my daughter is in year 9 so how would she get on for high school thank you any one that can help
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6 Answers

Hhmm the answer from 2011escape is not the most positive but each to their own. The high school kids travel daily by ferry to the mainland and have access to a number of schools in the region. The travel is free the kids catch the ferry at 7:30am and are back on the island about 4pm. I have 3 children 2 went to the local school on the island and then to the high school at Victoria Point my youngest is in her final year and still loves the boat ride.

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schools ?? on an island ...... hmmmmm you must be from interstate or fresh off the boat.
Russel Island only just recently got power !! helloooooooooo lol

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russell island has no high school. There's a higher-than-average number of dropouts here as a result.
Also, apparently kids at the closest highschool on the mainland are slightly prejudiced against the island kids.


these are all just excuses if they wanted an education they would its only a ferry ride to a high school no different than some kids having to bus in a distance


That's a harsh statement and one that lacks sociological and psychological perspective dear.

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I see and travel with lots of high school children who travel to the mainland on the ferries or on public transport ON THE MAINLAND. I sent my, long grown son, to a public school. I think now, judging on the way, private school kids tend to behave, today, compared to the kids from regular high schools, I would send him to a private school. That is nothing to do with the islands, the mainland public school kids, no matter where they attend, can be just as uncontrolled or noisy, not all, some are very well behaved, but lots are not. I know that is a generalization and I don't like to do that usually, but I am just stating what I have witnessed and experienced. I can not imagine them once working as they have no cut off switch, control or much manners a lot of them, some adult whether it be their teachers or their parents should have pulled them up a long time ago. Manners can make or break your career and relationships
Summing up: No high schools on the islands, closest is the public high school at Victoria Point

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Almost half is the school aged children (primary) are home schooled or travel to another island or mainland due to the atrocious manner the school is being run. If a staff member has a problem with any parent they ostracize, harrass any bully students . The principal is also known to have verbally attacked parents on numerous occasions and nothing is done. Until the department step in and fix the situation I'd strongly advise against the Russell island state school, unless of course having your child treated as a second class human is what your after. It's a disgrace to the island, no wonder so many drop out. The principal needs jailing as does anyone who has enabled her to remain there.

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no high school. stay on mainland and give your children a good education

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