

2 Reviews0 Questions0 Answers


Davoren Park

"Great time to move here & buy a house before it becomes to expensive"

Davoren park will benefit a great deal from being so close to elizabeth, you'll have all the benefits of being close to a future cbd while still enjoying the peace & quite & you'll only be half hour from Adelaide cbd, the only thing for young family's to keep in mind is that schools are pretty full, I've heard of some parents having to drive out of the area to find schools for there kids, however 2 new schools will be built as part of playford alive project but not sure how far away this is, so my advice would be to act quick on this, as these 2 new schools will fill up pretty quickly.


Delusional review


Lol keep on hating my friend, these areas will grow weather u like it or not


Half hour from adelaide CBD ? Not sure how far over the speed limit your travelling but its a minimum 45 minute drive at the best of times. During peak times your looking at approx 1 hour. And in no way shape or form is this suburb desirable at all. Its a well known fact across this city that Davoren Park is really struggling, and is probably the worst for crime and unemployment in all of adelaide. I dont hate Davoren Park , I have friends who live near by and as a tradesman Ive worked in the area multiple times , I truly hope the area can pick up abit and be more family friendly, but for now and the foreseeable future its not looking bright.


New businesses have opened up in nearby munno para i.e Harvey norman, Woolworths,maccas & not to mention what's happening in Elizabeth cbd so when these businesses open up they do a lot of research into the future of the area they dont dwell on the past


Because having a maccas, woolworths and harvey norman nearby is a good thing, just means there is a higher than average percentage of the local population thats will to incurr debt for entertainment and fast food.


The area is indeed literally a 30 minute drive for the city of even less depending on traffic, literally 10 minutes further down the expressway than Paralowie.

Theres a lot of redevelopment happening in the area, Im currently buying a brand new house in a street thats full of new builds. Its all changing my friend, sure theres still bad eggs but you get those everywhere and most are getting priced out.


Steve please dont lie to yourself . Its an absolute minimum of 30 minutes in the middle of the night with no traffic at the very very least its 40-45 minutes in morning or afternoon traffic (and thats on a good day ) In no way are you getting to the city from Davo in 30 minutes during normal travel hours.
Yes you get bad eggs everywhere I totally agree mate , but Davoren Park is harder to find the good egg as opposed to bad one. The place is a proper dump. Its notoriously recognised as Adelaides worst suburb, even those across the borders know the name of Davoren Park .. and not for good reason. In a recent survey Davoren park had double the amount of total crime than average in the rest of Adelaide and if you live in Davo the statistics say you have a 1 in 6 chance of being a victim of Property Crime .
Great place to be . Its all happening


Buddy I live in Munno Para West which is further from the city and Im 33 minutes to the city centre. Where on earth do you get 45 minutes from? It used to take me 45 minutes to get to Adelaide from Gawler before the expressway was a thing.


But also, theres 1 billion dollars being invested into that area and right now is the perfect time to buy a brand new house, not an old dump, on the western side next to the Eyre estate part way into the rejuvenation project.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.

"Will become adelaides second biggest cbd within 5-10 years"

Ignore all the negativity out there,billions of dollars being spent on infrastructure, elizabeth will be transformed into a cbd creating thousands of new jobs during & after construction,also google playford alive its a new estate going up in the fringe suburbs of davoren park & munno para, housing is very affordable & public transport is excellent.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids

So youre saying that Im going to go visit Elizabeth as Adelaides second CBD? No wonder why, its second-class.


You sound like a funny guy mate
U should be a comedian


Why do I need to be a comedian to state the obvious?


U really are a tosser lol


You say there will be billions invested into Elizabeth and surrounding suburbs. Im not surprised as Holden's has closed, and other manufacturers have also closed down so the option for the government was borrow billions to create jobs in the northern suburbs or let the northern suburbs turn into a version of Detroit and we know how bad that City has become. So investing billions means us tax payers and people who own property again foot the bill for mismanagement of governments. The IMF will love this state borrowing money I assure you.


Holden closing has nothing to do with it, the land has since been sold & will be redevoled & u guessed it will create new jobs, the main reason is population growth, its predicted that adelaide population will be more than 2 million by 2030 & they simply can't have 2 million people going to the city every day for work so places like Elizabeth has been identified to take the pressure off the cbd


Why cant they turn the south into a CBD too? Of course, we have to feel sorry for the Elizabethians. Why should the people living south have to drive all the way down into the CBD as well when they could take the pressure off the Adelaide CBD too?

Either way, the south is dramatically changing too. Lets just wait and see what will happen when the billions of money the government has put into Elizabeth areas will completely fail again.




Let people say what they want. Many investors are flocking to Elizabeth and surrounding suburbs. Affordable comparing to Melbourne and Sydney.


Elizabeth has always suffered with the worst hospital, schools, public transport, infrastructure (local council has more people in management), and unemployment in the nation. The fools keep voting the same way and it remains a safe seat. investment? I have lived here for 60 years and the only investment I see is when someone's livelihood is assured. It is a failed experiment. Stop throwing good money after bad!

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.