Is Wellington a good town?
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Is Wellington a good town?

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9 Answers

I have lived here a year and it's been purgatory. It's the biggest dump I've ever lived in. Crime, filth, and Department of Housing are rampant.

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My in-laws live in Wellington and have done for nearly 10 years...they love it there and are very involved with the community...they have had to install security alarm system to their home and garage/shed due to their home being burgled...there is a certain level of crime in Wellington but if you take precautions to secure you property then you can have peace of mind...i would consider living in Wellington if country living suited us better...the town has a good variety of shops including 2 supermarkets plus chemist, doctors, health care, eatery etc...and Dubbo is about 40mins by car for more specialized shopping such as Spotlight, Bunnings etc...

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Lived here for 6 years... load of rubbish about relatives of prisoners! I also worked in the Prisons. Safe town, there is not a lot of crime!! I got to know loads of people and all were friendly and honest. Sure there's some petty crime, but less that there is per capita in the big cities. I would live back in Wellington again, moved coz parents got ill and needed to move closer. Lots and lots of work in the town too and lots of great outdoor activities for families. Money goes a lot further than in the big cities too and life is appreciated a lot more. I say, give it a try, you could always rent and see for yourself....and out here a house is affordable - imagine, little or no mortgage - savings potential really high. I just can't understand why these guys above are so anti-Wellington.

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The other side of the coin is that the prison offers employment and requires services therefore bringing employment to the area.

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Yes, and it will get better. The town has lots of potential to grow. Most people in the community are very friendly. New
caffees, nice Pubs and everyone is working really hard to make Wellington an even better place.

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There is a lot of crime in Wellington. Avoid it.

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God no. Anyone who works in crime knows its a dump. Paedophilia, assaults and break and enters are rampant. Its a cesspit.


Im a criminologist who lives in Wellington and I dont agree...


Hi, There! I live inSydneyand here there is a lots of crimes as well so.... I found Welliington very nice Town, nothing wrong with that.


Thats nice! so you are the best person to talk about Wellington, yeah?


so you are the right person to talk about crimes in Wellington.

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Drugs are a major problem, I lived there for over a decade and most people want to get out. I would personally avoid.

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Prison near to town, so a lot of relatives of prisoners live there.


Not true. Inmates get moved often. So that wouldn't be a reason for relatives to move into town. Dubbo, Bathurst, lithgow, Tamworth also have jails. And some of the jails are in the town. That is not the case in wellington.

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