Can someone please tell me about the primary schools and their experiences?
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Can someone please tell me about the primary schools and their experiences?

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3 Answers

Hi there,

Bacchus Marsh Primary School has been rated 4 out of 5 stars based on reviews.

Hope this helps you



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Bacchus Marsh Primary School and Bacchus Marsh Grammar are excellent. The Catholic school is supposedly good, but very small 200 students and I have heard they have composite classes because of this. The Grammar is an excellent school where your children can go from prep right through to yr 12. Wouldn't go near Pentlands or Bacchus Marsh Secondary College.


Can I just ask about the high school, is it really awful? The public one I mean?


yes going to the grammar is fabulous my kids love it they have leadership roles and more career advice. they also go to the places like Paris,Indonesia and Vietnam


We can not afford the grammar school so it would be the public high school we were looking at but thank you anyway.

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Hi there. We live in Bacchus Marsh and our 6 year old goes to a wonderful school which is St Bernards catholic school. The other primary schools are Bacchus Marsh (excellent) Darley which has almost 700 children but is good and Pentland which I wouldn't touch with a barge pole. The Principal has an ego problem. We also have a grammar school (excellent). The senior school is Bacchus Marsh secondary school...A big no! Most of the older children go on buses to Ballarat for schooling. We have a number of children who attend Bacchus Marsh schools from the Melton area because they are good. Hope that helps!


We were looking at moving there but my daughter is in high school is the public high school no good?

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