Church Street
1.8(1 review)

Church Street, Wickham, NSW 2293

1.8(1 review)

Great for

  • Internet access
  • Public transport
  • Resale or rental value
  • Cost of living
  • Neighbourly spirit

Not great for

  • Lack of traffic
  • Nightlife
  • Shopping options
  • Childcare
  • Clean & green

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles

Reviews of Church Street, Wickham

"a street where every one still walks across the road to say gidday"

This is the street and suburb i grew up on, when the street was and still is under the tar, was couble stone, when the store horse and cart would deliver the tank loaves of bread, from the tokens you could buy in bulk, and the coal was delivered via the back lane for the coal burning stove that my grand mar and pop would cook on which was fully functional until i had to demolish the house that was so old it had the same boards on the outside as the inside. Here now stands a new two storie 4 bedroom that was designed to suit the area. But back in 1996 we could'nt sell the house and land for $90,000 to put my mum that lived here two into a nursing home. Now in 2007 stands a home that has just been valued at $380,000 which costs $125,000 to build. With all the infastructure that is happening in the area it will be worth $400,000 in the next 3 years due to honeysuckle, and blackwoods just being sold and moving out in the next two years, in will come the developers and up will go more shops and town houses and our land values. That is capital growth that my children will enjoy when it is handed to them like it was handed to me from my mum and handed to her from my grand parents. If you can afford to get into this street? do it now and just wait for the values to jump.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
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