Crown St
1.6(1 review)

Crown St, Harris Park, NSW 2150

1.6(1 review)

Great for

  • Internet access
  • Public transport
  • Childcare
  • Eating out
  • Medical facilities

Not great for

  • Cost of living
  • Peace and quiet
  • Safe and sound
  • Clean & green
  • Gym and fitness

Reviews of Crown St, Harris Park

"If you love sirens...."

Harris Street, and Harris Park in general is too noisy, dirty and full of inconsiderate people.

Too often people come home at 2 or 3am and stand on the street talking extremely loudly. If it isn't loud neighbours - then it is the sirens that every day, and night go past our house on the way to somewhere else.

Too often people do not take the trouble to take the junk mail out of their letterbox and put it in their rubbish bin - they dump it on the footpath. It is also not uncommon to see hard rubbish on the footpath despite no hard rubbish collection being due.

Too often have I arrived home angry or scared. The residents of this area do not know how to drive safely or courteously. One day when I arrived to the front of my house, I was honked by another driver because they felt I hadn't indicated for long enough. When I pulled over and parked - he stopped illegally (blocking the road) - got out of his car and came towards me and threatened me. Other times I arrive home scared, because very rarely do people use the roundabouts in Harris Park correctly. They tend to drive straight through them with no consideration for any other traffic at all. I have had far too many misses. A 45yr old neighbour who shares our building was assaulted on the way home at 6pm one night by a group of young men.

Too often we have been broken into. We have a locked storage area and locked garage under the unit block we live in. The storage unit has been broken into 3 times, the garage twice and our car has had an attempted break in twice (which caused $800 damage). All this has occurred in less then 18 months.

About the only good thing about Harris Park is that the Police response time is short. However, the fact that I now have the police reporting line on speed dial - is not a good thing.

If you can live elsewhere - do so./'

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

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