What's the commute to the city like?
5 Answers
Takes too long to get on the Ring Road these days.
I agree with the barking dogs. Irresponsible owners, not to mention the cats that roam at night these days. There are less birds, less frogs, less geckos, less lizards as they are being killed by cats. Irresponsible owners that don't make their cats wear a bell. If you like cats, please don't come to Eltham. If you want a cat, please keep them indoors.
Not sure what old Davy boy is on about. There are three places in Eltham that I will buy coffee from - I moved here from Brunswick so my thoughts are framed from that standard. Commute wise, drive in the morning to city is 30 minutes if before seven or maybe an hour in peak. 45 minutes to an hour home in peak.
I catch the train into Flinders from Eltham everyday, it's a long train ride about 55 minutes, it's a modern train, it's only the second stop on the line, so if your quick you normally get a seat. Eltham itself we moved into and are moving out of as soon as we can, nice trees and people, but hundreds of barking dogs that go all day and all night right across Eltham, we have never heard so many barking dogs 24/7 it's driven us insane. BEWARE unless you dont like sleep, Eltham is NOT for you. No real cafe's or decent coffee there either.