What is the best neighbourhood in Hastings?
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What is the best neighbourhood in Hastings?

I was looking for an investment property and I notice Hastings has quite a lot of diversity in the areas around the town.
For example I was looking in Spruce drive (off Hodgins road) and the houses all seemed nice but is it a good area ?> I also looked at the old naval estate down near the Marina and it didn`t look as nice but I was thinking more along the lines of capital growth. The only area I thought was very untidy was Westpark.
I`m just a bit confused at the moment.
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5 Answers

@hastingsresidentes where exactly is West Park? Is it just an area known to locals?.. cant seem to find that on google maps.

Also Kinds Creek Estate, whats the address on that one? Is that near the Henderson Grove Estate, corner Hodgins Rd and High St?


west park (now Wallaroo) refers to a ringroad like estate of stalwart avenue and curacoa drive as well the neighbouring courts. it was initially used for housing workers for the nearby navy base Cerberus and then redeveloped for public housing under the vic housing commission probably in the 70's the same people who built the public housing towers in Melbourne. these kinds of concentrated public housing developments have since been seen as a failure due to creating insulated community's where poverty and other social issues become self reinforcing. although as these properties have entered the private market they were initially seen as extremely affordable especially if you work in outer south east Melbourne which brought new people in and over time the estate has started to more evenly integrate into Hastings as the town becomes another suburb. there is still a notable difference even today but from an investment point of view alot of these properties have increased by 5-6 times in value over the past 20-25 years and still have a bit of catching up to do with the rest of town although the difference isn't nearly as stark as it used to be

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No where!!

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Westpark is not a good area at the moment however from investment point of view I think in 5-10 years it will have developed and improved greatly.

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Looking for a home in Hastings, VIC 3915

The best area is Spruce Drive - Matthew Circuit (Solar Estate). There is also a great new estate going in off Hodgins Road - Kings Creek Estate


@hastingsresidentes where exactly is West Park? Is it just an area known to locals?.. cant seem to find that on google maps. Also Kinds Creek Estate, whats the address on that one? Is that near the Henderson Grove Estate, corner Hodgins Rd and High St?

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Hastings isn't really a neighbourhood as such, rather a suburb. Do you mean what are some good alternative suburbs in the area?

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