How much does long term parking cost in the city?
5 Answers
For longterm parking you can either get a commercial carpark for $300 a month and even up to $500 a month for corporate areas eg top end of collins.
Alternatively if you live in a residential building or have access to people looking to lease them out you can get one for $150-$250 per week all the time, great benefit is also if the building has a pool and gym you get that too. Hope that helps.
Depends where you are looking.
The cheapest option would be to rent a car park space in aparment blocks privately, can cost you around $100-$150 a month. Thanks
There are people in CBD/Docklands who do not use their residential carapace and rent these out. My friend rents a spot for $150 at the docklands
We charge $352.00 a month in the heart of the CBD of Melbourne at 58 Franklin St for 24 hr access car park. CBDpark - Greenco ......
Depends on where, but your looking from $15 for the first hour to $70 for a full day.