Relocating and need help!
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Relocating and need help!

Hi everyone looking for some much needed advice and recommendations! Myself hubby and 3 children(3,13,15) are relocating from Yeppoon qld. My partner will be transferring from Hastings which is on Beaudesert road. Obviously we dont want to be anywhere near Beaudesert, Logan or Ipswich. He is happy to travel about 40mins or so to work. After doing lots of research we have found the Bay Area we would prefer to be near the water and loved the look and sound of Victoria point. But further research and Ive found out theres no train line and can be quite boring for teens. Also theres some mixed reviews for the state school there. Is there any other areas that can be recommended? Also where in that area is there a train line? Ive heard good reviews about cleavland although is further from hubbys work then first hoped. We are very active and love the outdoors and the children are involved in lots of activities so I would want a town with lots of opportunities but also want a close community vibe. Im so lost please help!!
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