How long does it take to get from Redland Bay to Brisbane CBD in morning?
6 Answers
I live in Redland Bay and in peak time it takes 60 min to get to the city center. Without peak hour it takes me about 35 min and that is travelling through the back end of Redland Bay down to the motorway.
I drive from Redland Bay to Brisbane city daily.. takes 45 to 1 hour Monday through to Friday, Saturday 35 minutes from Redland Bay to Queens street Brisbane.
There is a bus station at the Victoria Point Mall on the main road - the bus takes just over 1 hour.
My husband drives from our home at Victoria Point to the 8 Mile Plains Bus Station and gets the bus there to the city and it is quick because of the bus expressway.
If you have parking in Brisbane then I'd suggest just drive in.
Give yourself at least an hour each way :)
we live in victoria point my wife catches the bus in morning and it takes about 1 hour and mosquitoes in some places they are bad any where there is a swamp or lying water