Is Rockingham set see massive increases in value?
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Is Rockingham set see massive increases in value?

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4 Answers

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There are some areas in Rockingham that are experiencing quite good capital growth the marina has now been approved and the Rockingham foreshore development has had a very positive impact on the image of Rockingham. mark McGowan has certainly put Rockingham on the Map. There are some great opportunities to but in Rockingham and if you can secure a good buy whilst interest rates are low you could potentially have a good investment. If you are looking to invest locally please feel free to contact me any time Martina Berry Professionals Rockingham 0432 367 281 [email protected] I will be more than happy to help.

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There are some fantastic investment opportunities in Rockingham and the surrounding suburbs.

But as for 'massive increases in values', well, perhaps those days are behind us.

Real estate has and always will be a long term investment.

Recent changes to the R codes in Western Australia now mean that a whole new range of properties that previously could not be developed, now can be. This is a game changer for real estate and astute investors should be looking to take advantage of this change. You just need to know what types of properties you should be looking for.

Certainly the fundamentals are here in Rockingham that should see the region enjoying good capital growth in the years to come.

The new Mundijong Road extension due to open in 2014 will provide the area with a much better connection to the freeway and is set to take approx.10 minutes off the the trip to the CBD fro some residents. The areas that feed into the entrance of the new road should see good growth as a result of this massive infrastructure change.

A large parcel of real estate East of the foreshore and right through to 'The Meadows" is due to be re zoned, so if your looking to buy in this area I would advise you to speak to the council (or an informed real estate agent) in regard to these changes.

Certainly there are areas to buy in and there are areas that maybe you should avoid, but overall Rockingham is set for a good future - even just based on the fact that it's a great place to live - and ultimately, that's what drives real estate.

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Looking for a home in Rockingham, WA 6168

I do not believe anywhete in the state is et to see massive increases in value. The rockingham Districts area, mainly around the coastal areas should see some good capital gains over the next few years. This area never really hit the highs that others areas saw prior to the GFC. The fact that the train had not arrived kept our prices down and now we have some room to move for price rises. We should see some good rises in Safety Bay, Waikiki, Warnbro when the new development "Malibu on Safety Bay Rd" is completed. You can still obtain a very reasonably priced house in this area.

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