
1 Review0 Questions20 Answers


West Perth

"Love living in West Perth!"

I am a single professional and live in an apartment complex near Harbour Town, near the City West train station (east of Thomas St, south of the Fremantle train line). Have lived here for about 6 months and absolutely loving it, such a convenient location! This part of West Perth has plenty of businesses so it is quite busy during the day and parking can be hard to come by (this doesn't bother me one bit as I am at work). However at night and on weekends this part of West Perth is quiet and there is plenty of street parking available for when friends come to visit (free of charge at night and on weekends). There are also two lovely parks nearby (Harold Boas Gardens and Totterdell Park) if you are looking for a bit of greenery. I was tossing up between West Perth and East Perth (where I could have bought a 2 bedroom apartment for a similar price to my 1 bedroom in West Perth) but chose West Perth as I feel much safer here. Almost all of the apartments in this area are nice and new and tend to be occupied by young professionals, I don't often see kids around. There is an old block of flats with some Homeswest occupants reasonably close (cnr Hay & Colin Sts), but I suspect it is old age pensioners or similar living there as I have never seen the police called or any dodgy characters hanging around (unlike previous Homeswest flats I have lived near!)

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • LGBT+
  • Students
  • Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of Homely.com.au.
