Woodlawn Avenue, Earlwood, NSW 2206
Ranked 3rd best street by locals in Earlwood, NSW
Great for
- Internet access
- Pest-free
- Schools
- Childcare
- Lack of traffic
Not great for
- Resale or rental value
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Retirees
Reviews of Woodlawn Avenue, Earlwood
Looking for a home in Woodlawn Avenue?
"I used to live in Woodlawn"
I would honestly and accurately describe Woodlawn as a not so nice area to live My reason for saying this is because when I used to live in Woodlawn all I would hear when I was at my own house (even with the windows closed) was the sound of my neighbours stupid kids (they were not babies that cannot control themselves if they were actually babies or young tots I would be sympathy and understanding but they were kids hardly younger than me that should know better than to scream at the top of their lungs all day) screaming uncontrollably all throughout the morning right up until like 8:30 pm at night because of this I would describe Woodlawn as a noisy area with inconsiderate people that unfortunately you'll have to call neighbours and another thing is that you can very often hear the sound of loud loud vehicles passing by your house every day and every night because the houses are so close to the roads, Another thing is that their are pests that easily got into my yard (Part of the reason why I left). Oh and by the way Most of the houses in Woodlawn are old and have cracks (that never get repaired).
"Quiet, and conspicuous"
Woodlawn, looks to be a nice location of Earlwood. Not to far from the shops and schools but hosts a housing commission block of units on the North facing side,.. Get rid of this and it'll make this street one of the most sort after in Earlwood. Overall it's on an lower order of batting field compared to the rest of the streets.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Retirees