Is Ebony Pde, Heidelberg West safe?
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Is Ebony Pde, Heidelberg West safe?

I have found a house I love, but people keep dissing Heidelberg West, Ebony parade seemed lovely to be in while viewing the house, but I wondered, how safe is the street?
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2 Answers

Sweety I lived in number 17 ebony parade and I hated it!! Be so very careful of your kids it's a bloody dangerousness suburb I know this for a fact we couldn't afford any where else to live we had no money no clothes and a rough up bringing please be careful to you and yours . The suburb is dangerousness and bad for kids I understand if it's all you can afford but please please be so careful of your kids safety for gods sake please be careful ok . This is not a dramatisation .


I lived in West Heidelberg during the roughest times in it's history...The late 70'S - Mid 80's and never had a problem. I used to walk the streets alone at the age of 10. There is good and bad in all areas no matter where you go, Just don't mix with unsavoury people and all is fine! Some of the best memories I have are of my days living in West Heidelberg.

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It's ok we live in Heidelberg west and there are patchy spots, but this does seem too bad


Doesn't seem too bad, darn auto spell

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