Sadler Street
4(2 reviews)Sadler Street, Mowbray, TAS 7248
4(2 reviews)
Ranked 4th best street by locals in Mowbray, TAS
Great for
- Childcare
- Cost of living
- Gym and fitness
- Internet access
- Lack of traffic
Not great for
- Nightlife
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families With Kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
Reviews of Sadler Street, Mowbray
Justin Goebel
Justin Goebel Property Sales
"Quiet but Convenient"
Located on the southern side of mowbray town centre yet a very short walk to the mowbray hotel, takeaway shops and everything that mowbray has on offer. The north Western side of Sadler will generally have some road noise due to being closer to Invermay Road although very convenient as far as getting in to the cbd and town centre. Older homes in the area which can be purchased under $250,000 and rent is quite affordable in the area.
Who lives here?
- Professionals
- Singles
- Families with kids
- Retirees
- Tourists
- Hipsters
- Students
- Trendy & Stylish
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of
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